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我问道,尽量装得若无其事。I asked, as casually as possible.

我能从狂热中迅速冷静下来,若无其事地观看电视。I can pop a top on a cold one and watch TV.

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我若无其事地从地窖这头走到那头。I walked the cellar from end to end calmly.

我们一定要做出若无其事的样子来,同时,请保持高度的警惕。We must lay to, if you please, and keep a bright look out.

伊丽莎白看得很是得意,不由得朝他那位朋友望了一眼,只见达西落落大方,若无其事。Elizabeth, with a triumphant sensation, looked towards his friend.

鲍富特象平时一样厚着脸皮若无其事地走进那小屋。Beaufort had entered the little house with his usual easy assurance.

我可以侮辱印度总理瓦杰帕伊,第二天还有若无其事的继续生活。I can abuse Atal Bihari Vajpayee and still live to see the next day.

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她抬起头,若无其事的摊开手掌,掌心向上。She raised her head and nonchalantly extended her hand, the palm up.

“贾尔斯今早来电话了,”米雷拉装作若无其事地说。Giles phoned this morning, " Mirella said with feigned indifference."

当贝勒满法庭上的人若无其事地望着天花板。When Baylor full court, people looked at the ceiling with equanimity.

我一阵心慌,装作若无其事的继续走,一脚绊在我的狗身上摔倒了,脸部着地。Flustered, I continued walking, only to trip over my dog and land on my face.

就直接跟她说话,可是不能笑。记得装做若无其事的样子。Just talk to her, but don't smile. Remember to play it cool, chicks dig that.

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如果你觉得他在欺骗你,不要装作若无其事,很可能,他是。Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.

尽管他这样打定主意,但他仍然不能装得若无其事。In spite of his resolutions, he could not hide altogether that something had happened.

不一会儿,他走进厨房,手里拿着钥匙,若无其事地说,“找到了。”A moment later, he walks into the kitchen, keys in hand, and says calmly, "Found them."

他们合力抓住那掌旗军官,从窗口抛出去,然后若无其事,再次坐下来吃饭。They threw him out at the window, and sat down again to table as if nothing had occurred.

他们在机场里走来走去,表情古怪,缩着下巴,还装出若无其事的样子。They walk around with this funny face and chin tucked under trying to look business-like.

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我从没见过这么胆大包天的小偷。他大摇大摆地进来,拿了珠宝,而后若无其事地离开。I've never seen such a bold thief. He waltzed in , took the diamonds and waltzed right out.

带多套衣服去上班,每隔一小时换一次,并且装作若无其事。Bring multiple sets of clothes to work, change every hour, and act like nothing’s different.

他用着一种若无其事的态度会见罗伯脱,先谈了一回营业的情形。He met Robert in his cheerful, nonchalant way, and together they talked business for a time.