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请让开道。Please—get out of the way.

喝令三山五岳开道。Let the mountains make way.

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你朋友手持拐棍在前面开道。Your friend walks in front with the cane to clear the way.

有人说,死亡是为新生铺路开道的必然。Some people say death is necessary to make way for the new born.

车夫已经让开道,但伊的破棉背心没有上扣。The runner had already moved to the side, but her tattered waistcoat was not done up.

8月7日,政府军以坦克开道,掀翻路边的临时路障,杀进代尔祖尔。Tanks bashed their way into Deir Ezzor on August 7th, sweeping aside makeshift barricades.

穷人集会在前面开道,为他们守护的人把人群挤开,形成一道狭窄的人墙。The Poor Fellows went before them, forcing men aside with their shields, walling off a narrow path.

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对着孩子大吼大叫让他们听话就像开车时为了开道而拼命按喇叭,二者殊途同归。Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steel your car, and you get about the same results.

于是我们混淆了正与邪,对与错,同时为这个世界上彻头彻尾的邪恶势力之最终胜利开道。Thus we mix good and evil, right and wrong and make space for the absolute triumph of absolute Evil in the world.

在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。As we move from naive to mature, from ignorance to civilization the way you use the torch of life, clear the way for us.

等我有钱了,我就买2辆宝马,一辆在前面开道,一辆在后面护驾,我在中间骑自行车!I have money, I will buy 2 BMW car, a car in front of the road, a car behind the escorting, I ride a bike in the middle!

在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。In 3, from childishness to maturity, from ignorance to civilization on the road, you use the torch of life, for our way.

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总统来到旧金山时,他们接待得很隆重,到处都是加长型轿车,警车开道和香槟晚宴。When the President comes to San Francisco they really roll out the red carpet, limousines , motorcades and champagne dinners everywhere.

只见一对对手持缨枪的猎户开道,后头便是那打死的老虎,好像锦布袋一般,四个人还扛不动。Behind them was the dead tiger, looking like a big sack made of coloured cloth, so heavy that even four men were barely able to carry it.

而在国内,森严壁垒的政府部门,警车开道的领导出行,相比之下,你会有许多吹牛的资料。And at home, the barriers guarded by government departments, leading police to clear the way trip, compared to many of you will be bragging.

每场演出将以明代锣鼓开道,覆满金叶的红色的手绘布板将用来代替幕布。Ming-dynasty drums will herald the opening of each show, and hand-painted panels covered in gold-leaf and red will take the place of a stage curtain.

尽管布什和普京存在尖锐的分歧,他们庆祝了将为俄罗斯加入世贸组织开道的协议。While Bush and Putin have sharp differences, they are celebrating an agreement that would pave the way for Russia to join the World Trade Organization.

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强制搬迁在去年掀起波澜。报告中称,为了北京奥运会,居民将被强制离开他们的家园而为奥运会开道。Forced relocations went up last year, the report said. It noted claims that people were forced from their homes to make way for Olympic projects in Beijing.

不过,你一定要做好与一大群年轻人推挤的准备,在这家上海老字号夜总会狭窄的走道里,你得用胳膊肘挤来挤去地为自己开道。However, do be prepared to jostle with lots of youngsters and elbow your way around the narrow crevice-like walkway of this longstanding Shanghai nightspot.

审美文化研究以其对审美文化生存性的高度敏感,关注和护持为转型开道。The study of aesthetic culture aims to clear the way for remoulding with its high sensitivity to, close concern with and careful preservation of aesthetic cultural existence.