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不要想对所有人都左右逢源。Don't try to be all things to all people.

然而做纪录片得心应手不代表必然能教课左右逢源。But what makes good TV doesn't necessarily make for good teaching.

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让孩子学会左右逢源的方法是让他们使用自己的资源。The way kids learn to be resourceful is by having to use their resources.

赌场不但受人欢迎,又有高额纳税,还能取悦左右逢源的开发商。Casinos are popular, pay a lot of taxes and please well-connected developers.

一年级左右逢源与顺利通过资格考试这两者是高度相关的。Thriving during your first year is highly correlated with passing your prelims.

卡梅伦先生必须在抱怨的和傲慢的之间找到一个左右逢源的切入点。Mr Cameron has yet to hit on a rhetorical register between bitter and bumptious.

明天政府将出版一系列关于碳减排的文件,届时我们将知道政府如何左右逢源。We will find out tomorrow, when it publishes a series of papers on carbon reduction.

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你可能左右逢源或是干得很愉快,所以就会工作更长时间。You may go into flow or just have a good time with it and so you'll spend more time doing it.

然而,这场已持续了100多年的冲突并不容易找到简单的解决办法或做出左右逢源的判决。But a conflict that has lasted 100 years is not susceptible to easy solutions or glib judgments.

交流技巧让你左右逢源,更不会轻易放走这个人。Your communication skills will help you in rounding this person up -- and you refuse to let this one get away!

也就是说,说话要到位,能放能收,在平衡位置上,能左右逢源。Also is to say, talk to want, can put can accept, on the equilibrium position, can have everything from all side.

因为与人交际,就要了解人心,左右逢源,才能演好酒桌上的角色。Because communication with others, to understand the hearts of men, both ways, can play the role of wine on the table.

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李开复在计算机系如鱼得水,左右逢源,两年后毕业,成绩居全系之首。Kai-fu Lee on the computer system, enjoying the best of both worlds, two years after graduation, score ranking first in line.

李光头精明外向,随机应变,在现实面前左右逢源。The Li bald astute extroversion, according to the circumstance, can achieve success one way or another in front of the reality.

这就要求教师必须具有敏捷的求异思维、发散思维,才能左右逢源,化险为夷。This requires teachers to be the difference with agile thinking, divergent thinking, to the best of both worlds, yet we survived.

后来,他以最快的速度娶了全教区最富有的姑娘,这就使他左右逢源,大走其运。Well, as soon as he can work it, he marries the richest girl in all his congregation, and then his bread is buttered on both sides.

现在你知道女人最恨单身男人的是哪些事情了,只消牢记在心,你就能在约会期间左右逢源。Now you know what women hate most about single men. Just keep thesethings in mind and you can turn things around in your dating life.

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现在你知道女人最恨单身男人的是哪些事情了,只消牢记在心,你就能在约会期间左右逢源。Now you know what women hate most about single men. Just keep these things in mind and you can turn things around in your dating life.

自从2005年鲍伯·依格接任行政总裁职位后,迪士尼在电视和电影领域可以说是左右逢源、风生水起。Today under Bob Iger, who took over as chief executive in 2005, Disney is enjoying a remarkable and profitable run of hit TV programmes and films.

有时候真诚的人会受人欢迎,但大多时候八面玲珑的人才会左右逢源。Tips to improve speaking skills. Sometimes, people would welcome a sincere, but most of the time people would be smooth and slick have it both ways.