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我们坐在田埂上休息。We had a rest on the ridges.

她住在灌木篱笆下面的田埂里。She lived in a band under a hedge.

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一天早上,一只小兔坐在田埂上。One morning a little rabbit sat on a bank.

小麦茬子堆在了田埂边上。He piled the wheat stubble along the ridge of the fields.

我们拿着一个大框,在这充满绿草与蔬菜的田埂里踏青。We took a big box in the grass, with vegetables, the field-edge outing.

一些不知名的小花,这一朵,那一簇的洒在田埂上。Some unknown flowers, the flower, that a bunch of the spill on the ridge.

中国菜用大豆有单作、间套作和田埂豆等种植形式,种植制度相当复杂。Farming systems of vegetable soybean production in China are quite complicated.

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一些不知名的小花,这儿一朵,那儿一丛的洒在田埂上。Some unknown flowers, one here, where a cluster on the sprinkling in the ridge.

一天,这个宋国人在田里忙了很久,坐在田埂上休息。One day, the man sat on the ridge of the field to have a rest after long working.

杰克逊先生闻到有宴会的味儿,就跑到田埂上,可是他没法子从那个新门挤进来。He smelt the party and came up the band , but he could not squeeze in at the door.

露水回来了,在清晨和傍晚润湿了田埂,悄悄地挂上田间。Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field.

稻田最好是在平地上,筑田埂以利排灌。The best rice land is level, conveniently diked for alternating irrigation and drainage.

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走在长满杂草的田埂上,一步不稳准会跌倒。Go on the ridge of field of overgrow fireweed , one pace is flabby accurate meeting falls.

蜘蛛在稻田的密度在田埂种豆或蓄草条件下增高。When field bunds which planted soybean or kept weeds, spiders density increased in rice field.

没过多久,不论男女,都是赤着脚推着小车在田埂上奔走如飞。Before long, all of us, male and female, could rush about with the carts on the ridge, with bare feet.

元宵节已过,勤劳的村民又走上了田埂上开始新的一年劳作。The Lantern Festival is over, industrious villagers took to the shelf-space begin work in the New Year.

河边哪一排排杨柳轻轻摇曳,田埂上种的向日葵,蚕豆,还有油菜花。Rows of the river which gently swaying willow, sunflower species on the ridge, broad bean , as well as rape.

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要格外细心以确保水流不会穿越等高沟间的田埂。Extra care must be taken to be sure that water does not cut through any of the ridges between contour furrows.

爸爸拉着车,我们推车,一步步地压过粗糙的田埂,向着回家的田间小路走去了。Dad pulled the car, we cart, step by step over rough ground pressure ridge, the path toward home, walked the field.

最后,银娇奶奶让秋秋从田埂上采来一朵小蓝花,插到头上。Finally, Granny Yinjiao asked Qiuqiu to pick a blue flower from the ridge of field and then she wore it on the head.