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没有故弄玄虚的猜测和图表统计分析。No educated guesses' about what to do or chart reading.

在某种程度上,这一定义可能显得有点故弄玄虚。On some level this definition may seem like quite a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo.

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之所以导致这种恐慌,部分原因得归咎于编译者的故弄玄虚。The reason for this panic, in part because the compiler was attributed to mystify.

我也不想在这里故弄玄虚,可是他没有勇气。I want to be deliberately mystifying in here neither, he does not have but courage.

老穆因为科莱特的故弄玄虚让自己一头雾水,所以站在那里故意犯坏。Muras because Klaette the trick yourself confused, so Stood committed willfully bad.

不过,也会有观众觉得故事太矫情,导演故弄玄虚。However, the audience will feel that the story is too hypocritical, director mystify.

我很乐意摘录几则典型的故弄玄虚的评论,与君共享。It will be my pleasure to share with you some of this double-talk so typical of our times.

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无论他们选择了何种行动做了一定程度的开放而不故弄玄虚。Whatever they choose as a course of action is done out in the open without a measure of deviousness.

经典文化和艺术已经被低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos.

就像一些骗子,不故弄玄虚,说些令人莫测高深的话,又如何叫人完全信服呢?Just like some cheaters, if they don't make themselves profound and deceitful, how do others believe them?

中国的文化研究需要进一步做些实实在在的工作,而非故弄玄虚地大搞理论的花架子。Chinese culture and further research needs to do real work, instead of trick to vigorously theory superfluous.

听她的语气感觉很搞笑,一般人也会觉得她是故弄玄虚,但她却真的想死。Listen to her tone feel very funny, the average person will feel she is worthless, but she is really want to die.

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斯通说,他和帕克想在南方公园中恶搞故弄玄虚的盗梦空间。Mr. Stone said he and Mr. Parker wanted their “South Park” episode to satirize the verbal complexity of “Inception.”

然而我告诉你这种标点还有色彩之分,也许你会接近迷茫也许你会以为我在故弄玄虚。But I tell you that there are colors of punctuation points, maybe you will be close to you may be confused that I mystify.

当然,在对话中,或有两个以上的参加者在场的情况下,这是很艰难的,甚至会给人故弄玄虚的感觉。In a dialogue, of course, or with two or more interlocutors around, that's difficult, and may even strike them as pretentiousness.

他说他是在阐述伤镐的事理,可我以为他只不过在小题年夜做,故弄玄虚而已。He said that he was explaining some abstruse philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things.

而数千年来的易学家们故弄玄虚,把易学弄成了一门高度复杂的玄学。However, for thousands of years, the experts in Yi Study had been deliberately mystifying, turning Yi Study into a highly complex metaphysics.

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失败和成功只有一步之遥,但很多时候我们容易被失败的故弄玄虚给迷惑住了。There is only a one-step distance between failure and success, but in most cases, we are confused by failure which is deliberately mystifying.

曾在公司任职的几位高管描述,斯金纳对于故弄玄虚的官僚主义作风痛恨不已,还有人称他就像有一台“精确的废话检测仪”。Several former executives described Skinner as having no tolerance for bureaucratic double talk, one noting that he has a "good crap detector."

演变到了今天,大多数的西方人,包括受西方教育的东方人,总有人认为老子的这一套是瞎掰,是故弄玄虚,没有什么可以用的东西。Up to now, most westerners, including those oriental educated in the west, always think the knowledge of Laozi as mystifying and worthless nonsense.