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青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物。Frogs and newts are amphibians.

我们现在开始研究两栖动物。"We're working on amphibians now, " says Sinervo.

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密封式底部,可供两栖动物造景之用。The sealed bottom is for setting making for amphibian.

青蛙,像许多两栖动物,也冬眠当天气变冷。Frogs, like many amphibians, also hibernate when it gets cold.

两栖动物的生活空间要比单栖动物大得多。The living space of the amphibian is much larger than that of others.

文中就大鲵与其它两栖动物进行比较并从进化角度作了讨论。At last, the comparison with other amphibia and evolution is discussed.

这是一个磷游离钙补充爬行动物和两栖动物。It is a phosphorus-free calcium supplement for reptiles and amphibians.

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青蛙属于两栖动物,也就是说它既能生活在陆地上也能生活在水里。The frog is an amphibian , which means it can live on land and in water.

嘿听着,冒险跟什么高楼大厦要不两栖动物可没什么关系,别往那想。Taking risks does not have to involve big buildings or amphibious animals.

另外一些叫作两栖动物,它们既能在陆地上生活也能在水里生存。Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water.

在古生代,鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物也开始出现。The Palaeozoic was also the era when fishes, amphibians and reptiles appeared.

这些肉食性的两栖动物生就了好战的性格而且一蹦3.5公尺高。These carnivorous amphibians have an aggressive temper and can jump 3.5 metres.

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两栖动物都有着多种本领,既能在水里生存,也能在陆地上生存。Amphibians are very versatile creatures, being able to live in water or on land.

为树栖爬行动物和两栖动物,创建一个三维栖息地。For the arboreal reptiles and amphibians, to create a three-dimensional habitat.

起初,天气乍凉的时候,这种两栖动物将自己埋在土壤里。At first this amphibian deals with the cooler days by burying itself in the soil.

这是一种对抗鸟类、爬行动物、两栖动物等袭击的基本防卫手段。It's basically a defense against birds, reptiles, amphibians, that sort of thing.

正是在此次灭绝之前,原始两栖动物第一次爬上了陆地。Right before the extinction events, the first proto-amphibians made it onto shore.

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至此,猫儿山共有两栖动物35种、爬行动物38种。Thus there are 35 species of amphibians and 38 species of reptiles in the reserve.

有一对类似于脚的鳍且被视为是两栖动物祖先的鱼类。Fishes having paired fins resembling limbs and regarded as ancestral to amphibians.

结论大沙河保护区的两栖动物资源丰富,具有保护价值。Conclusions There are rich amphibian resource in the area witch should be protected.