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我曾柔情似水满怀真挚地爱过你。I loved you tenderness and candor.

作为女人,她也有情意缠绵,柔情似水的一面。As a woman, she is as sweet as honey too.

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人们通常认为中国女性总是柔情似水。People usually think Chinese women are always gentle.

听来情切又不失异国风情,柔情似水又坚强有力。It sounded both familiar and exotic, feminine yet strong.

我使她的肩膀能挑起整个世界的重担,并且柔情似水。I made shoulder strong enough to carry the weight of the world.

他激情充沛而又柔情似水,充满控制欲而又爱诋毁他人。He was passionate and affectionate, manipulative and denigrating.

试着放松一点,试着释放你的柔情似水的一面。You could loosen up a little, get in touch with your feminine side.

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也许这个城市的节奏太快,所以连爱情也少了原来的柔情似水。Perhaps this city too fast, so even less and less of love to give comfort.

他会给你讲你们的过去,每一次,都用了柔情似水的声音。He will give you about your past, every time, all with a gentle enough voice.

也许城市的太快了,所以即便的少爱原来的柔情似水。Perhaps the city's too fast, so even the less love the original gentle enough.

柔情似水的毛衣裙装赋予女性独特的魅力。The cardigans and leggings as soft as silk endow ladies with particular charm.

而今,那曾经炙热的海誓山盟,那柔情似水的思春之萌。Now, the once hot exchange solemn vows and pledges, the tender spring fever of adorable.

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它让我想起一些迪士尼老歌,华丽壮阔的交响乐编曲配上柔情似水的优美旋律。It reminds me of the old Disney songs with their lush orchestrations and tender melodies.

我使她的肩膀能挑起整个世界的重担,并且柔情似水。I made shoulder strong enough to carry the weight of the world. Yet, gentle enough to give comfort.

我使她的肩膀能挑起整个世界的重量,同时她又可以柔情似水。I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet, gentle enough to give comfort.

犹感你轻拥着我的柔情似水,我品读着你的热情如火。Still feeling you hug my tender feelings lightly water, my article reads your enthusiasm, such as fire,.

白颜风情万种,沉如落雁,单目柔情似水,秀发似絮舞动。Beauty amorous feelings kinds, sink into the wild goose, such as eyes, beautiful hair like dancing was enough to give comfort.

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他们用柔情似水的内心演绎其可爱的人性,用刚烈如火的性格成就其悲壮的人生,达到了刚与柔的完美融合。They deduce their lovely human nature by tender heart, and achieve their tragic life by fiery power of character to approach the perfect fusion.

营造一个布满温情的卧室,给梦一个柔情似水的空间,让我们的梦开始得更美些、更好些、更柔些。Build a bedroom that is full of warmth, to the dream a tender feelings is like the space of water, the dream that lets us begins to get some more beautiful, betterer , some softer.

从邮轮的窗外向内看,少女只能看到自己的脸,而窗内钢琴师的深情凝视,她永远不能看见,因此她也无法听到那一曲柔情似水的赞美。Inward-looking out the window from the cruise, girls can only see his face, and the window pianist affectionate gaze, and she never saw, so she can not hear a gentle enough praise.