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混水摸鱼。Fish in troubled water.

不要混水摸鱼。Never fish in trouble water.

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他在混水摸鱼。He was fishing in troubled waters.

他们喜欢混水摸鱼。They love to fish in troubled waters.

无所不能混水摸鱼。Never fish in problem runing waterdrop.

你喜欢趁机混水摸鱼。You delight to fish in troubled waters.

无所不能混水摸鱼。Never fish in trouble runing runing water.

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小心那些混水摸鱼的人。Beware of those who fish in troubled waters.

有人混水摸鱼,将后羿弓掠到了空中。Someone fishes in troubled water, empress Yi bow the Lue arrived air.

他们所要做的就是挑拨离间,混水摸鱼。All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters.

因此,周六上班的纪律监督与服务质量依然不能松懈,不能让美其名曰“周六加班”成了“混水摸鱼”的幌子。Therefore, the supervision on the discipline and service should not be any looser on Saturday.

这次考核非常严格,没有混水摸鱼的可能。This examination will be strictly carried out, so there is no chance to fish in troubled waters.

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美国一直在谴责伊朗在伊拉克问题上混水摸鱼,但德黑兰否认这一指控。U. S. has always accused Iran of "fishing in the troubled water" in Iraq, but Tehran denied such a charge.

当人们都以为早市得货便宜实惠时,就有人扎堆进去,混水摸鱼。When people are cheap affordable goods that morning was when some people get together and go fish in troubled waters.

周末这天,19位身着婚纱的姑娘走在熙攘的伦敦街头,不过,其中也不乏几位男士混水摸鱼。This weekend, 19 dressed in marriage gauze girl walked in a bustling streets of London, but some several men to fish in troubled waters.

相信很多部队的当权人是希望战争的,他们以为这样可以混水摸鱼,又做他们的皇帝美梦。I believe that many generals in military forces want war. With their dreams of becoming emperor, they think that they can fish in troubled waters if war happens.