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你有责任去生儿育女。Your duty to procreate.

吉姆其实并不急于娶亲成家,生儿育女。Jim wasn't fundamentally mad about a home and kids.

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但是在20世纪80年代,在生儿育女之前,我可是住在纽约市的。But, in the 80's, before having kids I lived in NYC.

大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.

他也没有因为与北极熊夫人生儿育女而有愧。He does not even feel guilty for procreating with Mrs. Polar Bear.

生儿育女和乐师动荡不定的生活是不合拍的。Babies and the chancy life of a musician do not exactly go together.

唯一需要重视的哲学问题应该是,为什么我应该生儿育女?The only serious philosophical question is, why should I have a child?

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我们绝对不愿意它们在这里结婚,筑巢,生儿育女。This is one of the areas where we definitely do not want them to nest.

可是没有爱情的性、婚姻、生儿育女,与猪狗何疑?To flesh. " But without love, marriage, parenthood, and how the suspect dogs?"

当我来到加拿大,生儿育女组织家庭时,那是我人生的最好时光。When we came to Canada and started a family, that was the best time of my life.

部分原因是良好的教育促使生儿育女的成本太高。This is in part because those good educations make having children a pricey proposition.

不守游戏规则的战士现在在他们犯下错误的废墟上生儿育女。Combatants who followed no rules are now raising children in the ruins of their mistakes.

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女人只有一个野心,骨子里总是把爱和生儿育女视为人生最重大的事情。With only one ambition, a woman always regards love and bearing as her life-and-death matters.

于是她便安顿下来,生儿育女,她的许多孩子还当了很长时间的国王。She settled down there and gave birth to many children some of whom became kings for a long time.

专为女性而设,充满动力的生活时尚频道,内容包括时装,健美以至生儿育女等话题。An empowering lifestyle network for women delves into topics ranging from fashion to fitness and fertility.

他曾不安地请求我和我哥哥生儿育女,这样他可以做一个慈爱的祖父。He relentlessly requested my brothers and I create grandchildren so that he could be a devoted grandfather.

昨天,有科学家预言,十年之内夫妇生儿育女不再通过性生活而借助试管育儿技术。Couples will stop having sex to conceive babies within a decade and use IVF instead, scientists said yesterday.

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我希望你能成为我的女友,我会好好爱你的,我愿意和你结婚,和你生儿育女。I hope you can become My girlfriend and I will love you well, I am willing to marry you, and you have children.

辛苦奔波、生儿育女、柴米油盐,当爱情被琐碎撕开温柔面纱的时候,没有房子,没有存款,那么生活该如何继续?Hard work and daily necessities, travel, when love is trivial tear when no veil, gentle, so no deposit house, how to live?

在我看来,联系我而只是想找一个生育的工具替他们生儿育女,这是一种极具侮辱性的做法,而通常我这样的回应从来都是对牛弹琴。My response that being contacted in part so I could incubate a legacy child for them was insulting often fell on deaf ears.