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即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵着手逛街。Even with his hand to be right and proper.

保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory.

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从今以后,你就是这条街上名正言顺的自由神像。From now on you are the official Statue of Liberty of this street.

让所有痛苦都有借口,正如所有背叛都是名正言顺。Let all the pain has an excuse, as all betrayal is be right and proper.

即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵着手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。You would keep no secret with him though you are just one of his friends.

认证后的RUP专家能够名正言顺的为他们所取得的成绩感到自豪。Certified RUP specialists can be justifiably proud of their accomplishment.

为了更加的名正言顺,陈三炮想要和花红成亲。In order to be right and proper three guns and bonuses, Chen wants to get married.

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就王室而言,家族继承自然更加名正言顺,同时更加复杂。In the case of kings, family succession is more obvious. And also more complicated.

玉玑子这回便是名正言顺的掌门极力赞成拥护左冷禅同意合并。Find jade ji son this time is the head cold chan agreed to merge left all for support.

奥巴马让我们可以名正言顺地热爱我们各自不同的传统,同时仍以美国人自称。Obama gives us license to embrace our various inheritances and still call ourselves Americans.

请求权是债权的救济性权利,是为了债权的救济名正言顺的通向公力救济而产生的。Requested rights are the creditor's relief right, which produces for the creditor's rights relief.

那么我就能名正言顺地,用R上的某个函数的二重积分来替代通量的线积分。Then I can actually -- --replace the line integral for flux by a double integral over R of some function.

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从那时候起我就知道了,装病能请到假,可以名正言顺的从课堂上走开,潇洒的不留任何痕迹。Since then I will know that faking can get to false, can justify from class go away, cheesy leave no trace.

黎巴嫩破裂的政治体系和突如其来的宗派主义流血的历史使其名正言顺的排在了43名,在阿拉伯国家中排第15。Lebanon's fractured politics and history of sudden sectarian bloodshed placed it reasonably at 43, fifth among Arab states.

因此,与其让它游离于刑法理论之外,或牵强附会加以解释,不如名正言顺地加以承认。So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.

即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵著手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。Even can't lead long to begin to go shopping perfectly deservedly with him, you shill can so to have no don't talk of friend.

我认为,公司试图趁着经济不景气从我们身上占便宜,打着削减退休福利,并使之名正言顺。I think with the economic downturn they're trying to take advantage of us, as a way to cut retirees' benefits and justify it.

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在民主社会,权力来自大多数人,但由于打起了民主的漂亮幌子,对少数人的压制就更显得名正言顺了。In the democracy society because it can lift the beautiful flag of democracy the suppress fewness man is perfectly justifiable.

平时不可能并肩散步的石泉和伊敏,终于能名正言顺地走在一起。Shiquan and Yimin, who usually had no chance to take a walk shoulder to shoulder, now finally could walk together legitimately.

然而作为公司主要的供货商,阿布拉莫夫这一次扮演了债权人的角色,他选择了以股票的方式抹去了两家公司的债务,并且向其它债权人收购回了两家公司的其它债务,因此,阿布拉莫夫名正言顺地成为了公司的大股东。Abramov, a major supplier and therefore a creditor, chose to swap their debt for equity, buying additional debt from other creditors.