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我们是有爱心、有开拓创新精神、有崇高追求的华联通人。H&T staff are benevolent , innovative with pioneering spirit and lofty pursuits.

竭诚为海内外各界朋友提供一流的运输服务是正顺通人的目标。Our steadfast pursuit is to provide first-class transport service to all of our friends over the world.

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“直挂云帆济沧海”,伟通人坚持自己的信念,不走寻常路!" Straight hanging cloud sail sea Ji", Wei Walter adhere to their beliefs, do not take the unusual way!

“以人为本,创造一流的产品回馈社会”是胜通人永恒追求的目标。People-oriented, and create first-class product to repay society" is a learned person wins eternal goal."

多年来伟通人不断鞭策自己,坚持不懈地为打造国际化品牌而努力奋斗着。Over the years, people continue to spur their own, unremittingly to create international brand and strive to.

袭人本是个聪明女子,年纪本又比宝玉大两岁,近来也渐通人事。Now Xiren was an intelligent girl, and being a couple of years older than Baoyu she already knew the facts of life.

所征引的语言材料,可以分为三大类型,即经书群书、汉代通人之说与方言俗语。The material can be divided into three types, i. e. Confucian classics, the ordinary words of Han dynasty and dialects.

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圳通人愿与天下有志之士携手共创美好明天。The dike learned person will be willing with the world to be ambitious the gentleman to create happy tomorrow hand in hand.

站在新世纪的起跑线上,亚通人将一如既往地恪守“引导潮流、悉心服务”的企业信条。Standing on scratch line of the new century , Yatong people will obey its enterprise faith"Leading Fasion , Devoting service".

为客户提供优质产品,创造最大价值,是国通人不懈的追求!Provides the quality product for the customer, the creation greatest value, is the country learned person's unremitting pursue!

可以少量饮酒,考虑到0尿病患者比曾通人更需要注恋营养平衡的问题。May drink wine, to consider that few needed to pour to 0 urine sickness patient compared to once the learned person loves the nutrition balanced question.

公司已经通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,完善的质量控制和管理体系使得峰通人不断得到素质提高和进步。Our company had passed ISO9001 international quality system authentication. The perfect quality control and management system will make us improve more and more.

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钱穆、张舜徽二人,均被当今学界视为”通人之学”的国学大师,两人于经学之研治,亦皆在汉代经学上有专门的代表性著作。Qian Mu and Zhang Shunhui is regarded as the national literature master by present academic circles. They have special representative works on Han Dynasty classics study.

在继往开来的日子,伟通人将继续保持坚韧的斗志,本着“合作共赢”的宗旨与您共同打造未来美好的明天!In the future days, regarding "win-win cooperation" as the purpose, Wei-tong with its all staffs will continue to maintain indomitable spirit and create a better future with you.

优质的产品和顾客服务是峰通人走向国内外的基本目标,先进的技术设计和生产制造是走向国内外的基本保障。Our goal as a company is providing clients with products that would be the highest quality and knight service. The advanced designing and manufacturing technology are our essence.