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我打扰你了吗?Do I disturb you?

我有没有打扰到你?Am I interrupting you?

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抱歉打扰你Sorry to interrupt you.

你没打扰到我。You're not bothering me.

别打扰我,我要休息。Let me be. I want a rest.

你没打扰到我。You're not disturbing me.

我真的是打扰到你了吗?Am I really bothering you?

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不要打扰我画圆!Do not disturb my circles.

打扰了你是方先生吗?Excuse me, are you Mr Fang?

他不愿受人打扰。He hates being interrupted.

会打扰这岛屿的安寜。Disturbs this island's rest.

别打扰我,我要休息。Let me be. I require a rest.

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对不起,打扰您了。再见。Sorry for troubling you.Bye.

对不起,我打扰到你了么?Sorry. Was I disturbing you?

打扰下好吗,先生,雷诺兹先生?。Excuse me, sir, Mr. Reynolds?

打扰一下,你们包书的吗?Excuse me. Do you wrap books?

请将“请勿打扰”灯关上。Please turn off the DND sign.

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别打扰他的工作。Don't disturb him in his work.

哦,住嘴,别打扰我!Oh, dry up and leave me alone!

我爱你!请勿打扰!!!I love you! Do Not Disturb! ! !