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他们责怪制裁。They blame sanctions.

他以自杀逃避法律的制裁。He cheated the law by suicide.

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支持阿里亚斯的制裁计划Back the Arias plan with sanctions

青钢影简直无敌,谁能够制裁?Camille invincible, who can sanction?

如果你使用制裁之锤很多,那么点它。If you use HoJ a lot, get this talent.

而伊朗测试了一枚导弹就被制裁。Iran tests a missle and get's sanctioned.

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联合国新出台强硬制裁朝鲜决议。UN imposes tough new sanctions on NKorea.

即将采取制裁的谣言能使士气低落。Rumors of impending sanctions can demoralize.

解除制裁可能不会是一个巨大的损失。Rescinding sanctions would not be a huge loss.

美国的制裁与叙美关系演变U。S. Sanctions and the Evolution of Syria- U. S.

我们知道他们渴望看到制裁被取消。We know they are keen to see sanctions lifted.

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奥巴马要求中国制裁朝鲜遭到拒绝。China fends off Obama pressure over North Korea.

偷税漏税者将受到法律制裁。Those who evade tax will be punished by the law.

第一,对违反规范者难以发挥制裁的效果。First, it's difficult to crack down on violators.

挑战制裁,朝鲜发誓制造更多核武器。Defying sanctions, NKorea vows to make more nukes.

因此制裁损害不了叙利亚人民。It wouldn't hurt the Syrian people, " said Tabler."

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政府部门制裁了网上赌博。Part of government-wide crackdown on online gambling

制裁只是无能政客的遮羞布。Sanctions were a mere fig-leaf for weak politicians.

美国有时间召集更多的制裁支持者。The US has time to line up more sanction supporters.