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第六部分,对河南职工业余教育做出评估。The six part is to make assessment of staff's amateur education.

第三部分,主要考察河南职工业余教育的内容和方式。The second part mainly discusses the developing course of staffs amateur education.

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电视大学已经被认为是最有效的业余教育的方法。University TV has been regarded as the most effective method of part-time education.

而中国的业余教育所涵盖的范围非常广,几乎涵盖了中国各种等级的教育。Spare-time education included a very broad range of educational activities at all levels.

其中,群众教师是河南职工业余教育教师的主要来源。In which, the teacher of the masses is the major source of staff's amateur educational teachers.

根据表格可以获悉,过去五年中接受业余教育的比例获得了实质性的增长。From the chart we learn that the proportion of part-time education has increased substantially in the last 5 years.

河南职工业余教育经费由主要仰赖政府供给转向了工会文教费。The content of staffs amateur education of Henan includes cultural educational, technical education and political education.

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第五部分,着重考察河南职工业余教育教师来源与培养。The fourth part mainly discusses the source of funds and condition of income and expense of staffs amateur education of Henan.

工人和农民的业余教育以及政府办的针对所有成年人的扫盲班也属于中国基础教育的组成部分。Spare-time education for workers and peasants and literacy classes for the entire adult population were other components of basic education.

不仅日本的大学,连一些短期大学、中等专科学校,高中和地方的业余教育机构也都设有汉语课程。In Japan, not only universities, but also short-term universities, intermediate junior colleges, senior high school and local amateur institutions provide Chinese course.