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红潮悄悄褪去。Red tide quietly fade.

大部份的红潮是无害的。Most of the red tides are harmless.

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长期以来十分苍白的面颊也泛起红潮。A crimson flush was glowing on her cheek, that had been long so pale.

监察和管理本港红潮的顾问报告已于一九九九年五月完成。A consultancy study on red tide monitoring and management was completed in May.

清水湾的一、二滩在这两个月都有发现红潮。In both months, red tides were spotted in Clear Water Bay First and Second Beach.

排名第二的阿拉巴马大学红潮队正在争夺四年内的第三个冠军。The second ranked, Alabama Crimson Tide is on the hunt for a third national title in four years.

这一组地图显示由二零零八年十一月至二零零九年十一月期间香港的红潮状况。These maps show the location of red tides reported in Hong Kong from November 2008 to November 2009.

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这些研究重要报导了在红潮后呼吸系统的损伤要甚于红潮前。The subjects reported significantly more respiratory symptoms following red tide exposure than before exposure, the report indicates.

在两个高锋期以外的其它月份,只有零星的红潮纪录,而深水湾是全年录得最多红潮报告的地点。In the remaining months, only isolated red tides were recorded. Deep Water Bay was the commonest location of red tide during the year.

海上的红潮因不同的藻类色素而有所不同,这些色素可以是红色、粉红色、褐色或其他颜色。The discolouration is due to the presence of pigment contained in the algae cells. The pigment can be red, pink, brown or in other colours.

在过去大半年里,香港发生了不少严重的公众卫生事故,包括霍乱、「禽流感」、红潮事件等。Over the past few months, a number of major incidents, such as the outbreak of cholera cases, avian flu and red tide, happened in Hong Kong.

渔农自然护理署亦加强了红潮监察及管理措施,以期尽量减少红潮对海鱼养殖的影响。The AFCD has also strengthened its red tide monitoring and management measures with a view to minimising the impact of red tides on mariculture.

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另一药材,当归,是一种专门的用来缓解诸如经期痉挛和红潮热等更年期症状的中草药。Dong Quai, on the other hand, is a special kind of Chinese herb used to relieve several menopausal symptoms including menstrual cramps and hot flashes.

另外,暴露于红潮会引起FEV1——强迫呼气流量中值和呼气气流峰值减少。In addition, red tide exposure was associated with significant reductions in FEV1, midexpiratory phase of forced expiratory flow, and peak expiratory flow.

最常见如出现潮红潮热、失眠、性功能降低、情绪波动、心悸胸闷等。Most common like has the blood flushes intermittent fever, losing sleep, the function to reduce, the mood fluctuation, the palpitation chest stuffily and so on.

中国日报说,近几天来香港附近也发现「红潮」,致使香港政府警告民众,不要在受污染的水域游泳。The China Daily says a red tide also has been spotted near Hong Kong in recent days, prompting the city's government to warn people not to swim in polluted areas.

虽然红潮大都属于自然现像,但部份是由于环境污染所做成,例如不当处理工业废料、倾倒污水等。Although most of the red tides are natural phenomenon, some are related to environmental pollution, such as inappropriate deposition of industrial waste and sewage.

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而在星期四,中国南部的深圳港口外出现了大面积水藻形成的「红潮」,污染了海鲜并对游泳者构成健康的威胁。And on Thursday, in southern China, a huge "red tide" of algae appeared off the southern port of Shenzhen, contaminating seafood and posing a health risk to swimmers.

但最佳方法也是最简单的,就是避免去有活跃红潮的岸边。Kirkpatrick said that while adherence to medications is important for prospective beachgoers with asthma, the best measure is simply to avoid beaches with an active red tide.

还需要进一步的研究以测定这种毒素的长期作用,但在此前,建议哮喘病人避免接触被红潮影响的水域沿岸。Further studies are needed to determine the long-term effects of exposure to such toxins, but until then, asthmatics are advised to avoid stretches of beach affected by a red tide.