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这可能是个难以启齿的话题。It can be a difficult subject to talk about.

这件难以启齿的事还是让胖嫂先说穿了。It was Fatso who first spoke of the unspeakable thing.

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那么,为什么"对不起"这句话许多男人就是很难以启齿哪?So why is sorry such a tough word for many men to say?

你可能说,“我有一些难以启齿的话想要告诉你。You might say, "I have something difficult to tell you.

更有一些人认为谈论性是大大的难以启齿的行为。Some people even think that talking about sex is a big no-no.

我让他们不停地问,我教他们提出更难以启齿的问题。I let them fire away. I taught them to ask still more ticklish questions.

阿纳尔想告诉他的女友他没有15美元付饭钱却难以启齿。Arnal was embarrassed to tell his date that he didn't have 15 dollars to pay for the meal.

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这些话在她面前我难以启齿,但在笔下却可以轻易地写出来,这令我感到多么难过.How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence, but they flow easily from my pen.

小科代表害羞的红着脸站在全班同学面前,难以启齿。The younger instructor stood in front of the students red with embarrassment, unable to broach the subject.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She think the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that david is reluctant to tell her.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thinks the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that David is reluctant to tell her.

但是,约翰•格雷指出,这位末代港督回避了人口过剩等“难以启齿的现实”。But the former Hong Kong governor avoids some "unmentionable realities" – like overpopulation – writes John Gray.

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她认为在行之间故意留下的空白,代表提姆难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thought the deliberate blankness between the lines represented the things that Tim was reluctant to tell her.

“发作了很多蹩脚的事情,我难以启齿,太灭绝兽性了”现年25岁的回想者Murhula如是说。"Many bad things happened that I cannot talk about. It was very dehumanising, " remembers Murhula, who is now 25.

最近六个月来我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但我老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。For six months I've been trying to work up the nerve toask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh.

最近六个月来我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但却老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。For six months I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I’m afraid all she’ll do is laugh.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thought the deliberate blankness between the lines represented the things that David was reluctant to tell her.

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所以一旦有些男性朋友息上这种疾病,多存在容羞、难以启齿的情况。Once therefore in some masculine friend rest this kind of disease, has Rong Xiu much, the hard to speak up situation.

有多少人会,假设你为一个球队效力,比如说是美国国家队吧,可能有些难以启齿,没关系How many of you, if you were playing for, I guess it's going to be America, which is a sad thing to start with,never mind.

对于中国的风险投资,这些投资者的坦诚令人惊讶-好的,坏的和难以启齿的。These investors gave a surprisingly candid view of venture capital throughout the country -- the good, the bad and the ugly.