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从火腿肠皮子。From the rinds of hams.

气干燥皮子都皱了。The dry air shrivels the leather.

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化了很大的劲,才勉强地把皮子吞了下去。Of great difficulty, reluctantly to the skin.

这个钱包怎么样?它是用很好的皮子做的。How about this wallet?It's made a fine leather.

他们就在他眼皮子底下把公款贪污了。They were embezzling funds right under his nose.

她试图把那张皮子分割成条。She tried to slit the sheet of leather into thongs.

答案一直就在我们眼皮子底下。The answer was right under our noses the whole time.

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他把皮子裁剪好,发现它刚好够做一双鞋。So he cut it out and found it would make just one pair.

我用几片皮子把这件衣服的袖肘补牢了。I've reinforced the elbows of the jacket with leather patches.

我把那些皮子整齐地钉在了熏肉间的墙上。In neat little rows I tacked the hides on the smokehouse wall.

那把刀是用黑色皮子包的刀鞘。过一阵上图给大家!!!!That Dao has the black scabbard. I'll post the pics later! ! ! !

厚被,海绵,皮子等的绗缝作业也可以进行。A thick bed quilt, sponge and leather products can also be handled.

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这样,鞋匠手头就有了可以买来够做四双鞋子的皮子的钱。The cobbler now had enough money to buy leather for four more pairs.

他把这张皮子裁剪好,发现刚刚够做一双鞋子。He hides this cuts out, discovered that just just enough made a shoe.

然后他把皮鞋上端的皮子切下来,就像是切下一块最好的牛排。Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.

鞋匠仔细察看了这张皮子以后才开始裁剪鞋帮儿。The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.

那两个窃贼偷了画,就在警卫的眼皮子底下拿了出去。The two thieves stole the paintings and took them out just under the guards' noses.

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咬碎金脆的饼皮子后,融化的奶酪和鸡肉展示出来了。After biting into the crispy golden shell, the melted cheese and chicken poured out.

耶和华神为亚当和他妻子用皮子作衣服给他们穿。Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.

无论是在经上,在纬上,是麻布的,是羊毛的,是在皮子上,或在皮子做的什么物件上any woven or knitted material of linen or wool, any leather or anything made of leather