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她虚脱的躺在这个房间的地板上。She is collapsed on the cell floor.

一整天工作下来,我都快虚脱了。I'm dog-tired after working for a whole day.

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恶心呕吐、大汗淋漓、呈虚脱状。Nausea and vomiting, sweating, and collapse.

记得喝多点水才不至于虚脱。Make sure you drink plenty to save-off dehydration.

有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了。Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration.

虚脱,心慌,黑便,吐血是什么病?。Collapse, flustered, black, what disease is haematemesis ?

其中一个跑步者在赛跑后因为疲劳而虚脱了。One of the runners collapsed from exhaustion after the race.

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然后我们两个都虚脱地倒在阔叶盆栽上,还撞到了小桌子。Then we both collapsed on top of the potted plant , and knocked over the little table.

我惊吓得已经有些虚脱,四肢绵软地抬不起来。I frighten already some debilities, the weapon and thighs Mian softly heaves not to get up.

安保人员分发了水瓶,并对场外感觉快要晕倒或者虚脱的人细心看护。Security guards handed out water bottles and escorted those who felt faint or overwhelmed outside.

其他人员,则等在城镇的边缘随时准备着把已近虚脱的难民运往安全地带。Others waited on the edge of town to help exhausted refugees to trudge out of this valley of desolation.

但当女孩们在学校里挽救了一位虚脱的前任校长的生命时,这个问题一下子被永久性地解决了。But the issue was settled for good when the girls saved the life of a former principal who collapsed at school.

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比赛观众说,莎娃简直被酷暑快折磨得虚脱了。她在移动中试图保存体力。Onlookers said the teenage sensation looked close to collapse and she barely moved between points to conserve energy.

我们还要走回停车的地方,但是才走了两步,我就虚脱了,还吐得到处都是。We still had to walk back to the car but after taking just two steps I collapsed and proceeded to throw up everywhere.

这会降低你的内环境温度,增加心脏对剧烈运动的承受力大小,减少虚脱的可能性。This will lower your body core temperature, decrease the heart rate’s response to exercise, and reduce the chances of dehydration.

胃部虚脱是因为一个小时后我走出教室时,确信这堂课上得比平常甚至更结结巴巴和错误百出。Sinking-stomach because I walk out of the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more stuttering and bumbling than usual.

有的时候,即使你已经睡了八、九个小时,甚至是十个小时,早上起床时,你仍会觉得身子软弱无力,伴随着轻微的头痛,整个人好象都虚脱了。Sometimes you can wake up feeling groggy, light headed, and exhausted, even though you just got eight, nine, or even ten hours of sleep.

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迈克尔摇摇晃晃走回,坐在方向盘前,虚脱,没力气开车了。这时候来了一辆警车。Michael stumbles back to his cab and sits in front of the steering wheel, weaken, and unable to drive off. Here comes a Traffic Police car.

狂欢一整夜后,第二天醒来时,我全身虚脱无力,而且严重水肿,脸部肌肤在一夕之间好像老了五岁。After partying all night I woke up feeling exhausted and bloated. Having too much fun certainly took a toll on me and my face aged overnight.

心理虚脱、性心理障碍、个体人格缺陷和精神抑郁等是大学生心理障碍的主要表现。Psychology collapse, psychosexual disorders, personality drawback and mental depression are all main behavior of college students' psychological obstacle.