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他是一位实业界巨子。He is a business tycoon.

现实上,将预示势力巨子的仔裤穿对于另有好些个隐讳。In fact, getting power jeans right involves lots of no's.

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到底是什么让众多的地产巨子对住交会青睐有加呢?What is the number of real estate tycoons Zhujiaokuai favor of a plus?

带领战有权势巨子的人措辞比力慢,那显现出一种自傲。A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. It shows confidence.

那位报巨子决定与另一家公司合并,以扩展他的企业王国。The press magnate decided on a merger with another company to expand his empire.

达官贵人老是选择我,由于我意味着权势巨子和智慧。Kings, chiefs and bishops have always chosen me for I am a sign of authority and wisdom.

同样的真实发生在这次危机之中,大反派就是那些被千夫所指的企业巨子,比如汽车制造商们。The same is true in the current crisis for glowering corporate giants such as carmakers.

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由于住宅豪华,誉皇居住客多数为商界和银行界巨子。The luxury residential, business and reputation Pointe residents mostly banking business.

男子背后一套标准模具的石油巨子-先赚钱,然后给带走。The man behind Standard Oil set the mold for our tycoons—first by making money, then by giving it away.

有的人一心追求慢节奏与安稳,而一些年轻的商业巨子则选择快速大胆地向前挺近。Some of these young tycoons made fast and bold moves while others applied themselves slowly and steadily.

然而,还是有越来越多的中国企业巨子对他们的财富和捐赠情况进行了公开。Yet a growing number of China’s corporate titans are open both about their wealth and about giving it away.

全球化商业界的巨子比以往任何时候更广泛地拓展他们的事务。Globalisation. The princes of the business world have been spreading their affairs more widely than ever before.

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媒体巨子泰德·透纳着眼于环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。Ted Turner, the communications magnate, also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation.

另外人们还担心,保险业巨子美国国际集团等其他国际金融公司也会蒙受巨额损失。There also are fears of massive losses at other international financial companies, such as the insurance giant AIG.

学徒期满后,詹姆士为英国最伟大的造枪巨子及其所在时代的一个传奇人物乔·顿工作。After his apprenticeship he worked for Joe Manton, the greatest gunsmith in England and a legend in his own lifetime.

英国石油业巨子英国石油公司已向法院承诺抛却该公司对海湾漏油事务的法定抵偿金上限。British oil giant BP has told a court it was committed to waiving the legal cap on its liability from the Gulf oil spill.

赫伯特‧史宾赛使用这个原则证明在十九世纪期间,无道义的工业巨子累积庞大的财富是正当的。Herbert Spencer used this principle to justify the accumulation of enormous wealth by robber barons during the 19th century.

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高级军官、高级政客和官僚们、银行家与工业巨子们均享受过查普斯里的风韵。Military top brass, senior politicians and bureaucrats, bankers and captains of industry all enjoyed the charms of Chapslee.

英特尔就是如许一个巨子,它的平台化策略不但在芯片组,也延长到了甚至软件解决方案等。Intel is a such tycoons , its platform changes the strategy not only in chip set, outspread also arrived even software solution.

如果软件巨子真正找到了在线储存记录的防黑客技术,那么“健康库”的好处就显而易见了。If the software giant has really found a hacker-proof way of storing records online, then the benefits of Health Vault are clear.