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权威人士及威仪之人往往语速比较慢。A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly.

巨大的花岗岩骏马为皇家宫殿平添几分威仪。A giant granite horse that graced an emperor's palace.

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增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。To increase your altitude or set off your dignified manner.

他不怒自威,说话带着一股淡淡的威仪。He not the Nu speak to take a light reputation from the Wei.

她以能力和威仪为衣服,想到日后的幸福就欢笑。She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

一个人的修养、气质,均在行、住、坐、卧四威仪中自然地显露出来。A refined disposition is naturally expressed in the way a person walks, lives, sits , and sleeps.

但威仪一词的意义,实随著社会结构与时代风气的变化而有所不同。But the meaning of weiyi changes with the times according to contemporary social structure and attitudes.

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老实说,我就一直提醒自己,希望有一天我有这种威仪后,一定要设法避免这样的情形发生在自己身上。Tell you the truth. I always remind myself to manage to avoid that if one day I've attained the stateliness.

他成了船上每一个人的吉祥物、供人逗乐者、打杂工,人人都希望通过使诺曼打滚并乞求拍头轻一点来衬托自己的威仪。Everyone's mascot, jester, dogsbody, hoping to foil the punches by rolling over and begging for a pat on the head.

在3100年前,庄严威仪的祭祀中,“丑”带着“沙”与美丽的太阳神鸟化身的“金”再次相见。"Jester" let "Sha" to the beautiful Incarnation of the Sunbird "Jin" during the Holy sacrificial ceremony 3100 years ago.

当我乞丐似的心,蹲闭在屋角的时候,我的国王,请你以王者的威仪破户而入。When my beggarly heart sits crouched, shut up in a corner, break open the door, my king, and come with the ceremony of a king.

修行有没有当然不能从外表判断,但是有的人就是威仪具足,令人见到即心生欢喜。Though you can never judge a practitioner by appearance, this one is so impressive that you feel joyful by simply looking at him.

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朱青生创造性地用漆山这种夸张的行为来宣扬“天地与我并生,万物与我威仪”的艺术思想和精神旨归。Professor Zhu preaches his artistic ideology and spiritual aim—"Nature lives in symbiosis with me, and everything is with me as a whole."

“结婚以后,”她笑道,“我必须保持低调,以便让我丈夫显出一家之主的威仪。但在电影里,我才是王者。”"After I got married, " she said, chuckling, "I had to keep a lower profile so my husband could be the leader. But in film? I was the king. "

他告诉我她是什么样的,她给人什么感觉,以及这场戏的基调,我想出这种疯狂,有些吓人,但又有威仪的声音。He told me what she's like, what she's feeling and the tone of the scene, and I came up with this crazed, kind of frightening and yet authoritative type of voice.

然而威仪观确立了中国传统内外合一的主体架构,因此也成为日后形形色色观人之术的渊源。However, the concept of weiyi established a firm ground for combining inner and outer, and later became the foundation of various ways to observe personal character.

武当山各主要宫殿均建有龙虎殿,供奉青龙白虎,以渲染朝拜真武的临前威仪。Mount Wudang major palaces were built with dragon and tiger Temple, where landmarks of white tiger to Zhenwu exaggerated worship of the Provisional authority when the former.

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大家还时时自我检查和及时纠正平日言谈举止中不合威仪,不如法的地方。Everyone also occasionally inspects selfishness and promptly corrects areas in daily speech and comportment that may not be consistent with formality or in accord with Dharma.

一代大国楚王的富贵豪奢、威仪恩惠、眷恋宠爱,竟完全没能打动她,哪怕只是进入到她的眼里!As a powerful emperor, with countless wealth, glorious social state, power, favor and affection, none of these could have shaken her strong mind, even have drawn her attention.

永别了,长嘶的骏马、锐厉的号角、惊魂的鼙鼓、刺耳的横笛、庄严的大旗和一切战阵上的威仪!Farewell the neighing steed, and the shrill trump, The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war!