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经理赞许地审读她的报告。The manager surveyed her report with approbation.

组织对报纸、期刊的审读。To organize the review of newspapers and periodicals.

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最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并批准发表了。Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.

拼版样已经审稿人审读通过。The page proofs have been read and approved by the responsible reader.

审读选择是编辑工作的核心工作,其目的是选择优质稿件。It's editor's main work to go over manuscripts and choose the good ones.

一次,周杰伦又拿著自己的得意之作送给吴宗宪审读。First, with Jay Chou and Wu to the finest creations of their own reading.

明天,议会下院将进行健康法案的最终审读。Tomorrow, the House of Commons will see the third and final reading of the Health Bill.

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这一决定纯属“良知”之举,并基于对长达327页的判决书的仔细审读。His appeal was a matter of "conscience", based on a close reading of the 327-page judgment.

编辑选择的审读心理的变化也时刻影响着编辑的审读情绪。The changes of the reading psychology of the editor's selection influence the reading mood of the editor.

所有案例的每一项法律意见的每一草稿在公布前都要经我们办公室的一位律师和一位法律助理审读。An attorney and a paralegal in this office read every draft of every opinion in all cases prior to their release.

对湖南省学术类科技期刊第四次审读评级情况进行了分析。The result of the perusal and grading of the academic science and technology journals in Hunan Province is analyzed.

你也可以加入或组建一个剧本审读小组,这样组员们可以互相阅读彼此的剧本并交换想法。Join--or start--a screenwriters' critique group so that you can exchange ideas and do readings with like-minded peers.

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汤普森夫人任教的学校要求她重新审读孩子们的履历,她把泰迪的放在了最后一个。At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last.

所有参赛作品至少由Sexies评审团中的两名成员审读,且至少一名拥有新闻背景。All entries were read by at least two members of the Sexies judges panel, including at least one with a journalism background.

编辑工作的创造性主要反映在于对作者的文稿进行有效的审读与加工。The creativeness of editors working expresses in a focalized way of the recreation being directed against the authors manuscripts.

在提交论文前,一般都会先请本专业的专家审读论文,以避免出现问题。Prior to the submission of papers will first try to please re-reading the papers of professional experts in order to avoid problems.

审读工作贯穿于整个编辑出版工作的始终,期刊内部审读机制的构建是提升科技期刊整体质量的关键。This essay emphasizes that the construction of the internal mechanism for the review of the drafts is the key to the quality improvement of journals.

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在对高校学报“三审制”的现状进行分析的基础上,指出了学报稿件审读与编辑加工过程中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的相应对策。Based on the pondering over the current circumstance, the essay analyzed problems exist in the process of pre-reading and editing, proposed countermeasures.

维哥大学的学者说弄错了草稿和定稿、没有预先审读、事后没有一名作者去阅读发表出来的论文,这样的说法令人难以信服。Vigo University researchers say the draft and final mistake, there is no pre-re-reading, after not one of them to read the published paper, that argument unconvincing.

从道德和法律角度,对防御性医疗行为进行审读,提出防御性医疗行为在一定时期内它的存在是合理的。From a moral and legal point of view, according to read the defensive medicine, bringing forward the existence of defensive medicine at a certain period of time is reasonable.