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牡蛎和贻贝筏式养殖和碎壳床养殖raft and cultch culture of oysters and mussels.

淡菜,即贻贝肉,水产品。Mussel is mussel meat, which is aquatic products.

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这些海产包括牡蛎,文蛤,贻贝和蛾螺。These include oysters, clams, mussels and whelks.

这是由贻贝、葱、蒜、白葡萄酒和奶油做成的。Made with mussels, shallots, garlic, white wine and cream.

假设比起贻贝,章鱼保罗更喜欢牡蛎。Perhaps Paul likes oyster better than mussel, for example.

然后让保罗选择打开其中一个箱子来获得贻贝。Paul is then left to choose one box to open to retrieve the mussel.

科学家们向水中投入贻贝,来观察食人鱼是如何争夺食物的。They then placed a mussel in to see how the fish competed for food.

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要保证熟读有关收集斑马贻贝数据的说明。Be sure the Information about the collection of the zebra mussel data.

它通常由好几种鱼类,蛤蜊,贻贝和对虾熬成。It typically has a few different types of fish, clams, mussels and prawns.

要保证熟读有关收集斑马贻贝数据的说明。Be sure to review the Information about the collection of the zebra mussel data.

这是他在我俩第一次约会的时候告诉我的,当时我们在一家位于伦敦苏活区的餐厅吃着贻贝和虎虾。He tells me this over moules and tiger prawns on our first date, in a Soho restaurant.

它们很密集地群居,其大小和年龄和今天的贻贝和牡蛎差不多。They lived in dense groups of similar size and aged animals, like mussels and oysters do.

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鲜贻贝肉的蛋白质消化率比干品的高得多。The digestibility of fresh meat of Mytilus edulis -was much higher than that of the dried one.

大西洋的火山口是盲虾和贻贝聚集的乐园。Volcanic vents in the Atlantic are home to swarms of blind shrimp and beds of unusual mussels.

新西兰绿影响唇贻贝补充剂进行了研究与办公的人。The effects of New Zealand green-lipped mussel supplements have been studied in people with OA.

海星通过嘴部把胃翻了出来,它正从外部消化这只贻贝。Pisaster has everted its stomach out through its mouth, and it'sdigesting the mussel externally.

海鲜意饭包括贻贝、明虾、蛤蜊,跟西班牙的国菜-西班牙海鲜饭颇有几分相似。Seafood risotto might contain mussels, prawns and clams, much like Spain's national dish, paella.

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他们实际上已经创造了一种合成凝胶模仿贻贝的粘性,自愈性能。They've actually created a synthetic gel that mimics the mussel's sticky, self-healing properties.

探讨贻贝多糖对小鼠酒精性肝损伤的保护作用。To investigate the protective effect of mussel polysaccharide on alcoholic hepatic injury in mice.

类似贻贝、海蛇尾和海胆这样生活在海底的生物尚未演化出任何防御能力。Bottom-dwelling creatures like mussels, brittle stars and sea urchins have not developed any defenses.