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我曾成功地使用过壁挂钟,也很容易拆开。I've also successfully used wall clocks. which also come apart easily.

所有壁挂将会在后面的硬质纤维板或纸板完成。All wall hangings will have a hardboard or cardboard finish at the back.

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据说,这里是先有居住在悬崖村庄里的人们,后有的壁挂公路。It is said that people live in the village first, then comes the Bigua Road.

详细介绍密闭式燃气壁挂锅炉较开放式壁挂锅炉的四大优点。The merit of the closed wall-hanged gas-boiler is compared with the open ones.

画,壁挂,可擦干净他们喷洒肥皂水。Paintings and wall hangings can be wiped clean by spraying soapy water on them.

制作雪花,雪花壁挂,我们一点一点地堆成一个雪人。Snowflake rubbings, snowflake wall hanging, and we glued bits and pieces on a snowman.

等离子体显示器被认为是实现大屏幕壁挂电视显示最有希望的方案。PDP is considered to be the most priming candidate for the large screen TV on the wall.

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这些部件具有潜在的壁挂区域,如同一个过分尖锐的锥形物放进一个接头中那样。These can have potential hang-up areas, like a too-abrupt taper into an adapter fitting.

可采用座式、壁挂、吸顶等多种安装方式,操作简单方便。Suitable for seat mount, wall mount and ceiling mount, service is simple and convenience.

显然,音乐给她的作品带来很大的影响,在壁挂作品“你去了哪儿?The music industry clearly influences her work. In the wall-mounted piece "Where Did You Go?"

悬崖上的郭亮村和壁挂公路,是神奇而令人震撼的!It was incredible and astonishing at the sight of Guoliang village and Bigua road on the cliff.

我们需要很多人的支持,一起做好“兴水行”壁挂水族、茶几鱼缸。We need the support of many people, do a good job together, "Tianshun" wall aquarium, table fish tank.

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他还向美国国务院教育文化局官员科瑞基先生赠送了一幅刺绣壁挂,以感谢该局为“文化探寻”项目提供支持。He also presented a tapestry to the ECA officer as thanks to the U.S. agency for supporting the LOD project.

我家的窗机坏了,爸爸决定换个分体式的壁挂机。Our window air conditioner is broken, so my father has decided to replace it with a separate hanging air conditioner.

格瑞夫斯创作了壁挂、招贴、地毯、服装、厨房用具、家具和住宅、陈列室以及大型建筑。Graves has produced murals, posters, rugs, costumes, kitchenware, and furniture as well as houses, showrooms, and large-scale buildings.

工业换气扇型号可选任何壁挂或底座安装模式,24英寸或30英寸直径的叶片。Industrial Ventilation Fan models are available in either wall mount or pedestal mount models and feature blade diameters of 24" or 30".

阳台壁挂太阳能热水器的运输和安装应小心处理,以免造成不必要的损害。Four, the balcony wall mounted solar water heater transport and installation should be handled carefully, so as to avoid unnecessary damage.

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壁挂空调、互联网接收系统、国际国内直拨电话、有线电视、E视星空点播等一应俱全。Hanging air conditioning, Internet access system, the international and domestic direct-dial phone, cable TV and VOD E. such as STAR-shirts.

羽毛画有条幅,壁挂,纪念册和屏风等样式,图案生动,富于想象,是精美的室内装饰品。Many varieties in the form of scrolls, wall hangings, albums and screens, they are vivid and imaginative, and make excellent room decorations.

它还包括指导一步一步终止的以太网电缆,电线喇叭线香蕉插头,并使用壁挂挂高清晰度电视。It also includes step by step guides for terminating Ethernet cables, wiring speaker wire with banana plugs, and using a wall mount to hang an HDTV.