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你的战略是什么?What was your strategy?

那是我们的核心战略。That’s our core strategy.

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围棋是一种战略竞争。Go is a strategic contest.

所谓战略纵深也就这么多。So much for strategic depth.

蒙塔纳罗就有这样一个战略。Montanaro has such a strategy.

战术有别于战略。Tactics differs from strategy.

其次,战略战术问题。Next about strategy and tactics.

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我对他们的花招和战略洞若观火。I know their tricks and stratagems.

我们有一个清晰的战略。We have a clearly defined strategy.


多品牌战略是“陷阱”还是“馅饼”?。Is multi-brand strategy trap or pie?

那位将军是位战略大师。That general is a master of strategy.

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将军责成我制订战略行动计划。The general ordered me to strategize.

游戏的类型属于战略SLG。The type of the game is SLG Strategy.

但是NEA似乎对自己的战略把握十足。But NEA seems sure about its strategy.

证据是第二个战略项目。Evidence is the second strategic item.

为此,他提出三点建议,一要在巩固政治互信的基础上提高战略协作水平。He raised three proposals to that end.

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世行目前的战略重点是The Bank's current strategy focuses on

一个大的战略上的侧翼包围…A vast, strategic maneuver to outflank.

它支持我们的网外战略吗?Does this support our offline strategy?