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气化炉内炉篦子是否堵塞。Check whether the bars is blocked.

西瓜在一瞬间气化了。In a split second the melon is vapourised.

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这种技术叫作木材气化。The technology is called wood-gasification.

贝兹把他那辆1969年的福特卡车加以改造,用来气化木材。Bates modified his 1969 GMC truck to gasify wood.

而电子香烟是利用气化内部含有的尼古丁的液体的原理制成的。E-cigarettes vaporize liquid containing nicotine.

气化是相当复杂的热化学过程。Gasification is quite complex thermochemical process.

煤气化是目前煤化工的主要路径。Coal gasification is the chemical industry's main path.

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我相信你指的是在天津的华能煤气化联合循环发电项目。I believe you mean the Huaneng IGCC project in Tianjin.

便携式气化炉大多用于运行的车辆。Portable gasifiers are mostly used for running vehicles.

煤气化是洁净煤技术的重要组成部分。Coal gasification is a key issue of Clean Coal Technology.

气化那运输队!轴动变形武器一①件也不可以留!Vaporize that convoy! No trace of the Mechtech can remain!

什么样的希奇古怪的行为可以气化显示接近绝对零度?What weird behaviour can gases display near absolute zero?

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文中用这一方法评价了四种煤气化炉。In this paper four gasifiers were evaluated by this method.

中国利用气化煤生产化肥已有几十年的历史。China has made fertilizers through gasification for decades.

德国在第二次世界大战期间曾通过煤炭气化为飞机提供燃料。Germany gasified coal to fuel its planes during World War II.

煤块首先在一个模拟的地下环境中进行气化。Coal is first gasified in a simulated underground environment.

华能集团也正在天津兴建一家煤气化发电厂。China Huaneng is building a coal-gasification plant in Tianjin.

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他拿回了藏在气化器里的汽车旅馆的钥匙。He retrieved the motel key hidden in the carburetor air filter.

煤热解是气化过程中重要的、不可分割的过程。Pyrolysis is an essential process occurred in all gasifications.

这类气化炉只能使用非粘结性的煤。Only the nonagglomerating coal can be used in this kind of gasifier.