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改行当消防员和快餐厨师?To just become firemen and short-order cooks?

所有人都催促我改行,所以我改行了。Everybody urged me to change professions so I did.

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她是学医的,但是改行做外交工作了。She was trained as a doctor but diverted to diplomacy.

这一行里已经有四个命令句了,改改行吧。This line has four commands in it already. Let's crlf.

在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Higher salaries are seducing many teachers into business.

麦克维说,随着销量的下降,一些人改行作别的工作了。Ms. McVeigh says some left for other jobs as sales declined.

他原是学建筑的,中途改行搞地质了。At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.

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正因如此,肖央决定不当画家改行当导演。Because of this, Xiao decided not to become an artist, but a director.

这么说,难道我们要改行成为作家了吗?Having said that, shall we all change our careers and become a writer?

看来我早应该听朋友们的劝告,改行做石油生产商。I should have listened to my friends and become an oil producer instead.

治疗结束后,暂时充填髓腔,两周后改行光固化充填。After the bleaching ended, the chamber was temporarily sealed for two weeks.

王说,末底改行了这事,赐他什么尊荣爵位没有。And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this?

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解放后李洛怀过世,其子改行,其业遂不传。After the liberation of Li Luo Huai died, his son diverted, the industry has no mass.

在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Many teachers have switched to business because of the temptation of the high returns.

为了供着他那刁泼的妻子齐拉,他改行做了沥青房顶生意。He had gone into the tar-roofing business in order to support his shrewish wife, Zilla.

在高薪的利诱之下,许多教师都改行经商了。Many teachers quit their jobs and go into business under the temptation of high salary.

在掌握了所有这些技能后,我于1994年跳槽改行。In 1994 I took all these acquired skills, headed in a new direction, and changed careers.

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38岁的张立杰十年前从卖菜改行为在街头叫卖化石。Zhang, 38, went from selling vegetables a decade ago to hawking fossils on a street corners.

另3例术中因出现剧烈的心绞痛等并发症而改行其它方法治疗。But in 3 cases complications such as angina pectoris occurred and another treatment was performed.

结果59例中除5例改行开放手术外,54例均进行腔内治疗,疗效满意。Results Among 59 cases, 5 cases changed to adopt open operation, and 54 were treated endourologically.