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我要你穿上我的嫁衣!I want you to put on my Jiayi!

我与你的父亲交谈,而你正在为我挑选嫁衣。I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress.

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当然,奥迪布里切特的这项计划并不纯粹是为他人做嫁衣。Odebrecht's initiative is not solely altruistic, of course.

到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。Tis nought but making bridal clothes for other folk to wear.

这茜素红,原本是待你与太子成婚时,赐给你做嫁衣的。This material was originally intended for your wedding to the Prince.

他在每场比赛中都表现出色,努力为球队做嫁衣。But he has quality and is fantastic in every game, working really hard for the team.

你是天生的企业家,却在枯燥的工作中遭受打击,为他人做嫁衣啥吗?Are you a born entrepreneur frustrated in a scheduled job fulfilling someone else's dream?

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徒留扼腕长叹,叹荒唐,你为他人做了嫁衣裳!There is long groan with clutching wrist. Sigh the flimflam . You have become a trousseau!

她就如婴儿般,流淌过披着嫁衣的阿尔卑斯山,是滴入凡间的天使。She is like a baby in a wedding gown, flows through the Alps, is dropped into the earthly angel.

是谁在为您的产品量身定做嫁衣,我们承担着包装艺术探索者的责任!Who is your tailor-made products Jiayi, we bear the responsibility of the packaging art Explorer!

一砖一木都有属于自己的色彩,就像披上完美嫁衣的新娘,等待着我们去掀开它的面纱。Brick wood has its own color, just like with perfect prospective bride, waiting for us to open it.

在全球能源危机漩涡的困境中,我们如同闪电脱颖而出,为节能事业再做嫁衣!With the coming of global energy crisis, the Company becomes Outstanding in Energy-saving Industry.

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有人认为婚纱将是一件“永恒经典而又精细的完美嫁衣”。Mackenzie believes that dress is 'going to be something very timeless and classic. Very sophisticated.'

国家投入大量资金培养人才,往往只落得“为他人做嫁衣裳”的结局。Countries invest a lot of money to train people often end up "doing for others are awake, " the outcome.

嫁衣她自己是不会绣的,宋懿行便说他家会准备好送过来给她的。Marry wear, she can't adorn along herself, Sung Yi line then says that his house will ready to deliver to hers.

作为一个有使命感和责任感的编辑工作者,就应该有“为他人作嫁衣”的奉献精神,努力做一名杂家。As a editor who should have a mission and responsibility, a spirit of devotion and try to be a jack-of all-trades.

在传统地婚礼,新娘普通身穿红色嫁衣,头戴凤冠,上面覆有一张喜帕。In the traditional wedding, the bride generally wore a red Troy, wearing a phoenix coronet above there is a red scarf.

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没有主权,奢谈安全,安全就是空话,就是作茧自缚,就是为他人作嫁衣裳。No talk about sovereignty, security, security is empty, that is the wedding dress for others in a cocoon around oneself.

不论是总经理,还是蓝领工人,总觉得自己只是为别人作嫁衣的雇员。Employees, be they general managers or blue collar workers, often have the feeling of "making bridal dresses for others."

任劳任怨是他们的工作态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。Hard working is their working attitude, diligent work of their style, they are happy for others to make the wedding dress.