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照常进行转换。Transform as usual.

一切照常进行。Everything proceeds as usual.

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一切照常Nothing's going to be changed.

大卫照常弹琴,扫罗手里拿著枪。Saul had his spear in his hand.

比尔照常搭公交车去上班。As usual, Bill went to work by bus.

接下来您就可以照常编辑文件了。You can now edit the files as usual.

没有麦特计划也照常进行。So the plan had to go on without him.

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那可怜的女人照常去上班。The poor woman went to work as usual.

酒店员工照常报到上班。Hotel staff reported for their shifts.

但是在那之前,将“照常营业。”But until then, "it's business as usual.

你明天什么时候必须开始照常工作?What time do you have to go in tomorrow?

今日盘点,明日照常营业。Stock-taking today. Business as usual tomorrow.

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你瞧,马德里照常进行工作。You see, madrid goes about its business as usual.

尽管天气很糟,比赛还是照常进行。Notwithstanding the bad weather, the match went on.

要是不下雨,义卖会就照常进行。The fete will go ahead provided the rain keeps off.

节日期间,商店照常营业。On holidays the shop will open for business as usual.

我照常吃该吃的,但我把十点以后的宵夜戒了。I eat what I should eat,but I quit eating after 10 p.m.

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周五早上,苏珊照常乘公共汽车去上班。on friday morning, susan took the bus to work as usual.

一些学校放假一天,而一些学校照常上课。Some schools took a day off, others stuck to the schedule.

搅黄油的机器照常运转着,但是黄油就是搅不出来。The churn revolved as usual, but the butter would not come.