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分子与生化寄生虫学。Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology.

这里如果有生化迷可以去看看。Here if have a bio-chemical fan can see.

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大成生化科技集团有限公司…Global Bio-Chem Technology Group Company Ltd.

生化危机开门无拖慢。No latency when open door in Resident Evil DS.

老鼠和人类有类似的生化途径。Rats and humans have similar biochemical pathways.

敌人一定是用生化战场激活码他来挖地洞。The enemy must've been using it to dig their tu els.

杨明去寻找丢失的生化材料,他险遭不测。Yang Ming to find biochemical materials lost, he was.

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你是那个试图杀死生化战场激活码我们的那个狙击手。You're the iper who tried to kill us on that building.

这么看来,你建造了一个生化死雨。你认为你能守住它吗?So, you've built a SCUD storm. Think you can defend it?

吹脱后的废水可进行生化处理。Wastewater after blow-off can be treated biochemically.

好,生化战士准备出发去买酱油了。Wow, in this get-up you look just like a 'bio-soldier'.

烟叶发酵是一复杂的生化过程。Tobacco leaf leavening is a complex biochemistry process.

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我玩过“生化奇兵”、“生死四人组”和“生死四人组2”,I play through BioShock, and Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2,

生化主要代谢途径均集中在这张图片上。Main Metabolic Pathways for Internet, by Pieter van Santen.

研究中医脾虚证对大鼠脑记忆功能生化指标的影响。To investigate the influence of spleen deficiency on memory.

结论血清MMP-2与骨转换生化指标相关联。Conclusion Serum MMP-2 is related to markers of bone turnover.

采用全自动生化检测仪测尿钙的含量。Detector measured by automatic biochemical content of calcium.

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火烧对于鸟类群落的影响不及生境旱生化的影响高。The influence of burning is less than habitat xerophilization.

几乎所有玩家都知道生化危机这个系列,“川田说。"Most if not all gamers know the Resident Evil name, " he said.

我们的生化研究显示,CPAP在体内也形成自身的二聚。Our biochemical studies show that CPAP forms homo-dimers in vivo.