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我现在只是在泛泛而谈。I'm just talking the abstract now.

该发言人只是泛泛而谈。The spokesman dealt in generalities.

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他敦促奥巴马不要泛泛而谈。He urged Obama not to speak in generalities.

由于不了解详情,我对此事只能泛泛而谈。Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.

这个领导人正在大讲空话,全是笼统的泛泛而谈,什么也没许诺。The leader was just double-talking, full of generalities and promising nothing.

那些所谓的批评者,被提到时总是泛泛而谈,从来不指名道姓。The so-called critics are only generically mentioned, but not individually mentioned.

但它给人们提供了一个思考的可能,这思考不具体,泛泛而谈。It supply people a possibility to think , but this kind of thinking is vague and superficial.

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我不记得什么细节,因为我听过大多数的评论都只是在泛泛而谈,没什么具体内容。I can't remember any specifics because most of the comments I heard were sweeping generalisations.

现有的研究土耳其和欧盟关系的文献大多从不同角度对两者关系泛泛而谈。The existed Article on relationship of Turkey and EU mostly speaks generally from the different angle.

好的例子不仅有助于作者避免泛泛而谈,还能使抽象的问题具体化,从而清楚地表达思想。Good examples help to clarify a writer's thought by making the general specific, and the abstract concrete.

听起来很泛泛而谈,但这种现象非常显著,影响我们日常生活的方方面面。This all sounds very general but there are some striking demonstrations of this and how it could work in everyday life.

论文没有泛泛而谈,而是抓住地域特征和环境艺术设计的关系进行阐述。This thesis is not a talk in generalities, but detailed expatiation that focuses on regional features and environment art design.

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所谓谁的竞选广告改变了民调的得分,在上一次泛泛而谈的辩论中谁表现得不错,这些媒体的新闻报道,也是无济于事的。Nor does media coverage that focuses on whose commercials are moving polling points and who performed well in the last inane debate.

那是我写作此书从中获得的乐趣之一,而不只是写一些泛泛而谈的东西去反讽或抨击80年代。That was one of the interests of writing this book from the inside and not just writing something that broadly satirised or bashed up the 80s.

通过口音来判断,发表这一评述的人是个北美人,而我是在中国一家酒店的大厅里无意中听到他这番泛泛而谈的概论的。Judging by the accent, the person who made this statement was a North American and I overheard his sweeping generalizations in a hotel lobby in China.

我国的道德教育,不太注重生活中点点滴滴的教育,总是从大的方面出发,从理论出发,泛泛而谈道德,华而不实。The moral education in our country pays less attention to the small bits in life. It always starts with huge concepts and speeches about moral, but has no practice.

但是由于福柯的权力观具有相当的复杂性与广泛性,因此将其应用到具体的研究当中难免会陷入泛泛而谈或者是不可理解的神秘境界中。However, Due to the feature of complexity and diversity, it is difficult to apply Foucault's view of power to a specific research, which was easily trapped in a talk in generalities and mystery.

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谈论这些能保证初始约会的成功,但是却对约会人士进一步发展没多大帮助,因为这些泛泛而谈的话题对能否成为长期发展的对象所提供的有效信息简直微乎其微。But while that may guarantee that we don't fail on this date, it does nothing to get us closer to success, as it provides us little useful information on whether we are a long-term romantic match.

除了那些泛泛而谈的医学站点,还有一些专门的医学站点在网上营运,专门解决怀孕相关问题,包括怀孕的早期症状。In addition to the generalized medical sites, there are specialized medical sites in operation on the Net that deal exclusively with pregnancy related issues, including the early pregnancy symptoms.