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竞争很激烈,但我有我的看家本领。The competition is very keen but I have an ace up my sleeve.

年轻时查尔顿的看家本领是快速的奔跑和身体变向。The young Charlton's greatest strengths were his speed and body swerve.

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这竞赛十分激烈,所有参赛者都会使出他们的看家本领。The competition is very keen and all the contestants have an ace up their sleeve.

这竞赛十分激烈,所要参赛者都会使出他们的看家本领。The competition is very Keen and all the contestants have an ace up theirs sleeve.

而少数仍以常规品种为看家本领的企业,几乎一开工就意味着亏损。And minorities are still involved in general product business, almost a start means losses.

奥巴马的看家本领就是“说一句话让对立的双方都认为得到他支持”。Obama's housekeeping skills is the "say so antagonistic to both sides consider to be his support."

中庸之道是孔门的看家本领,同时也是人生处世的真谛,更是社会发展所应遵循的准则。Moderation is the core of Confucius thought, the essence of life, and a principle followed in the development of society.

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接着卡卡又施展出自己的看家本领直闯禁区,对方后卫不得已将其拉倒。皮尔洛的任意球打在了人墙上。Kaka then made a trademark run to the edge of the Atalanta area only to be held back but Pirlo hit his free-kick against the wall.

肯定有看家本领,这从它们一见陌生人就流露出来的敌意的眼神可以感觉到。However, they sure had got some unique talent, we could clearly feel that from the hostility in their eyes when they saw strangers.

最惊险刺激的是立式水上摩托花样赛,运动员需在15分钟时间内充分展示看家本领。The greatest thrill came from the vertical synchronized water motor racing, in which the players had to demonstrate their best skills within 15 minutes.

最惊险刺激的是立式水上摩托花样赛,运动员需在15分钟时间内充分展示看家本领。The greatest excitement came from the standing-typed overwater motorboat style contest, in which the players had to show their best skills within 15 minutes.