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我才不要分心。I want no distractions.

限制你分心。Limit your distractions.

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分心会害死你,或其他人。Distraction kills – you or others.

有什么事令你工作分心吗?Anything that distracts you from work?

分心永远都是坏事吗?Is distractability always a bad thing?

但这些抨击似乎从未让盖特纳分心。But the flack never seemed to derailMr.

我们不会在控制台上分心。We will not be distracted on the console.

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我们都很了解,人都是很容易分心的。Dudes get distracted easily, we know this.

排除让你对上帝分心的一切。Eliminate whatever distracts you from God.

你还会有更多的分心的时候?Would you have more distraction-free time?

在家工作有很多事情会让你分心。Working at home can be full of distractions.

我们每天都要遇到很多分心的事物。We all have WAY too many distractions every day.

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我们将不会在人造卫星工作中分心。We will not be distracted working on the orbiters.

在家里,他发现自己牢牢盯着这两块饼干,甚至在他离开房间后,记忆中的巧克力块和面团依然使他分心。He left the house, and the cookies remained uneaten.

这些分心没有放置他的头脑休息。Yet these distractions did not lay his mind at rest.

专注于单一任务,避免分心。Focus on single-tasking and eliminating distractions.

网页上的颜色也会令试验者分心。The colours used on the page distracted participants.

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此外还将会成为一些虚荣演员的分心物。It can also be a source of distraction for vain actors.

“很抱歉给你带来这么大的痛苦,”汤姆说,“但它至少让你分心冲淡了那种倒霉酒的余味。”“I’m sorry for causing you so much distress,” said Tom.

不要总是被想念分心,我教你做的就是做好你的工作。Get the job done because that's what I taught you to do.