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他们聊得很投机。They chat very congenially.

我是一个投机的月光猴子。I'm a moonbeam monkey on spec.

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你们谈得很投机,把时间都忘了。你一看手表,说,至少三个钟头过去了At least three hours slipped away.

那次投机买卖使他成了百万富翁。That venture made him a millionaire.

投机事业是没有成功的收尾。The venture had no successful event.

他暗通关节,钻营投机挤进了委员会。He bribed himself onto the committee.

投机房一定是空房。Speculative housing must be available.

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美国本身是一宗大投机买卖,非常大。The USA was a big operation, very big.

这个投机赚钱事业让他成为大富翁。The moneymaking venture made him rich.

他的投机使他陷于赤贫。His speculation reduced him to beggary.

最后,我已经嗅出了迷茫在空中投机的味道。Finally, I sniff speculation in the air.

你是否混同了投机和投资?Do you confuse speculating with investing?

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他们在派对上认识,马上就说话投机了。They met at hte party and clicked right away.

将所有精力用于投机赚钱。Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures.

那么这种投机赌博行为又怎么会成为自我确证的呢?How could this bet then become self-validating?

包括套期保值、套利及投机。Including hedging, arbitraging and speculation.

你对这儿的投机事业认为是绝望的。You look on this adventure over here as hopeless.

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台北捷运北投机厂中钢制高压喷水路线清洗车。Taipei MRT rail water spray cleaning vehicle. CSC.

我们面临的另一个问题是金融投机。We also have the problem of financial speculation.

他在股市投机买卖中倾家荡产。He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.