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他已经有几分醉意了。He is a bit tipsy.

他常常是在威士忌的懵懂醉意中度过的。He often lives in a haze of whisky.

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这酒喝得他有点醉意了。The wine has made him a trifle tipsy.

我稍稍有点醉意,回到艾米莉姨妈家。I returned to Aunt Emily slightly oiled.

他已有几分醉意,沿大街蹒跚而行。He was a bit tipsy,reeling along the street.

惠美子带着一些醉意从晚会上回到家。Emiko came home a little tipsy from the party.

他有点儿醉意,查点儿掀倒了桌子。He was a little drunk and nearly tipped the table.

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满是醉意的亚哈随鲁王突然兴起一个疯狂的念头。King Xerxes had a mad thought in his drunken state.

男人在有醉意的时候会讲出他们的真实感受。Men lubricated with alcohol speak their true feelings.

如果我带着醉意出生,或许我能够忘天下网游家庭版下载记所有的哀伤。If I take her birth, perha I can forget all the sorrow.

如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。Such as drinking wine cellars for years, let me slightly tipsy.

如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。Such as a cache to drink wine for many years, let me slightly tipsy.

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她开始显露出几分醉意了,但很明显她还能开车。She was beginning to show a little edge, but she obviously still could drive.

变成香槟的话语,一定来源于一个完全的醉意。And words changing into champagne must be coming from a source which is totally drunk.

星期一下雨,醒来以后醉意未消,没有比这个更使我沮丧的了。There's nothing that depresses me more than waking up with a hangover on a wet Monday.

宿醉勾了起来,昨晚已经尘埃落定的醉意又焕发生机。It takes the edge off my hangover, kicks up the dust of last night’s drunk and gives it life.

形醉意不醉,用醉态迷惑对手,出奇制胜。He confuses his opponents with his drunken shape and defeats his opponents by surprising move.

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不过他纵然略有醉意,却有着什么真切难忍的悲恸。But though slightly drunk he was also suffering under some grief that was genuine and unbearable.

可怜的船长抬起头来看了一眼,刚才的醉意立刻飞到了九霄云外。The poor captain raised his eyes, and at one look the rum went out of him, and left him staring sober.

他的第三站位于匹兹堡郊外,他看起来活力四射,甚至有点醉意。By the third stop outside Pittsburgh, he appeared positively ebullient -- or perhaps a bit punch drunk.