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门前那堆垃圾实在太碍眼了。Garbage before the door is in the way.

耳机碍眼得就像把一出精彩的演出变成黑白的了。Earplugs turned the picture to black-and-white.

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邻居们觉得那扇破窗很碍眼。The broken window was an eye-sore to the neighbors.

看什么都碍眼的人,疲劳的不仅仅是眼睛。See what people are unsightly, not just eye fatigue.

这些花花绿绿的标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.

门前那堆垃圾实在太碍眼了.The pack of garbage in front ot the door is disgusting.

这座新办公楼在这片风景中很碍眼。The new office block is an excrescence on the landscape.

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忘不了房间墙壁上那几个碍眼的毛笔字。Not forget that the wall of the room a few obtrusive calligraphy.

也有人仅仅是觉得风电机太丑了,放在任何地方都很碍眼。Others simply find wind turbines ugly, an eyesore in any location.

这种薄薄的白色袋子仅仅在购买日用杂货的时候使用一次,而后就成为永久性的污染和碍眼物了。Used once to tote groceries, the thin white bags often go on to second lives as permanent pollution and an eyesore.

的确,3-0,这个足总杯史上最一边倒的决赛比分之一对于身穿黑白件条衫的纽卡斯尔来说来说相当碍眼。Indeed, the 3-0 score was rather flattering on those donning the black and white shirts in one of the FA Cup's most one-sided finals.

这样的人,她真是多相处一秒都觉得十分碍眼,何谈计划,所以原本的计划看来她是要做一些改动了!Person like this, she really gets along with one mores all and feels beautiful much Ai eye, He Tan's plan, so the original plan sees to her to do some change!

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这些天然气钻探不仅及其碍眼,而且还会抽干该地区的地下水,污染水井,并波及附近区域。Hydro-fracing can deplete the water table in the area, contaminate the wells on the host property as well as those nearby, aside from being a horrible eyesore.

如果你认为这些东西碍眼,那你该如“迅速放弃”般系统地快速高效地将其过滤。If you've decided that this stuff is out of scope for your time on The Marble, systematically destroy it with brutally efficient filters that are the equivalent of Tachy Goes to Coventry.

每天出门看着这碍眼的楼,心里总觉得堵得慌,与周围的环境一比较,它就像是一粒沙子掉进眼睛里,特别不舒服。This creating eyesores day out watching the floor, they always feel that block hungry, a comparison with the surrounding environment, it seemed like one sand into eyes, particularly uncomfortable.