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我们发现她总是生气勃勃。We found her always brisking about.

那真是一段生气勃勃的时光。And it was an exuberant, exuberant time.

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她健康活泼生气勃勃。She was vibrant with health and enthusiasm.

用数分配绿意盎然,显得生气勃勃。With green number distribution, appear lively.

她原先那种生气勃勃的青春自豪感已经萎谢。Her original vigorous pride of youth had sickened.

珍娜总是很高兴,生气勃勃的,是一个可爱的人。Jenna was always happy and bubbly, a lovely person.

用户组和相关会议都开展得生气勃勃。Not only are the user groups and conferences lively.

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这个生气勃勃少年组织很有团队精神。The spirited young organization has more team spirit.

沉侵在爱里,你会感到幸福快乐、生气勃勃、自由自在。When this is persent, you are happy, alive, and free.

好书是一个生气勃勃者的活力来源。A good book is the precious life-blood of master spirit.

生气勃勃却不太诚实的移民。the spirited but less-than-completely-honest immigrants.

好书是一个生气勃勃的人活力的来源。A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit.

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在我们生气勃勃、身体健康之时,死亡几乎是无法想象的。When we afe in good health, death is all but unimaginable.

他新兴的事业生气勃勃,前途光明。His fresh enterprise is full of life and has a bright future.

近几年里,我也从未看到戈林如此生气勃勃、大胆泼辣。I too had not seen Goering so dynamic and bold in recent years.

她的脸白皙,他俩都长着生气勃勃的眼睛,热力四射的嘴唇。Her face is white, they have the same excited eyes and hot lips.

法国又已不复有发动大规模的攻势的生气勃勃的魄力了。France had no longer the life-thrust to mount so great offensive.

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这样的交互过程使得电脑室是一个生气勃勃和忙碌的地方。These interactions made the computer room a lively and busy place.

想看到你所带领的人在你的管理之下生气勃勃的样子么?Want to see how well you're managing the energy of those you lead?

扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了。The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.