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欢迎来到北部新区!Welcome to New North Zone!

没错儿,就是浦东新区。Yes, it is Pudong New Area.

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我们家住在浦东新区。Wir lebten in der Pudong New Area.

光明新区公明街道房屋租售!New Komeito streets bright Housing!

上海市浦东新区宁桥路615号。No. 615, Ningqiao Road, ShangHai city , china.

吕梁是发展新区。Luliang is the development of the new district.

中国。上海。浦东新区龙阳路2345号。Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China.

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郑州新区的高层住宅楼-空空如也Zhengzhou New District residential towers -- EMPTY

那是一个新区,专为奥运会准备的。It’s a whole new area, especially for the Olympics.

地处上海浦东新区沪南路。Located in Shanghai Pudong New Area Shanghai South.

上海市浦东新区牙医人口比为1∶9375。The ratio of dentists to the population was 1∶9375.

中国。上海。浦东新区沈家弄路738号201室。Room201, No. 738 Shengjia lane Road. Pudong Shanghai China.

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停止在浦东新区浦东大道,东方医院,中东延安路。Stops at Pudong Avenue, Oriental hospital, Middle Yan An Road.

松潘—阿坝地区是油气勘探新区。Songpan-Aba area is a new district for oil and gas exploration.

毫不意外,郑州新区政府大楼奢华程度丝毫不输鄂尔多斯Like Ordos, Zhengzhou New District has glamorous public buildings

现有一套位于新区时代广场3号楼21楼的公寓房要出租。Now a new era in three square tower 21st floor apartment to rent.

干石墙可起到界定新区的作用。Dry stonewalls deal with the soil on how to settle on the new areas.

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协助市长分管红谷滩新区方面的工作,并具体负责日常工作。to assist the mayor in charge of New Honggutan Zone and the daily work.

日前,万科江苏苏南分公司以5.57亿的底价夺得了无锡新区叙丰里地块。China Vanke recently acquired a plot of land in Wuxi for RMB557 million.

铜川新区是西部地区一个全新的经济、技术开发区。Tongchuan New-District is a new economic and technique development area.