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海明威曾经写到,勇气就是临危不惧。Hemingway once wrote that courage is grace under pressure.

事后,林部长问帅飘为什么临危不惧。Later, Lin minister asked why handsome floating in a crisis.

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幸亏有一项新发明,现候,你只要临危不惧,翩翩起舞就可以了。Thanks to a new gizmo , you now just need to face the music and dance.

但当狂风恶浪骤起时,却只有像您这样大智大勇的人方能临危不惧,泰然处之!But when fierce storms arises. only such courage as you can the courage and deliberate!

狗娃左右调度手枪队,临危不惧,牢牢拖住了敌人进攻的步伐!Scheduling a squad around gowardesh, in a crisis, firmly hold the pace of the enemy attack!

这是一个临危不惧,甘愿付出和牺牲自我的国度。This is a Nation where citizens show calm in times of danger and compassion in the face of suffering.

如果火灾发生时,他们能像小林浩那样临危不惧,镇定自若,也许就不会出现这一幕了。If a fire occurs, they can do as little Lin Hao courage and calm, and perhaps will not appear in this scene.

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但圣帕特里克临危不惧,当即摘下一棵三叶苜蓿,形象地阐明了圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的教义。St. Patrick, however, was brave and picked a shamrock calmly which clarified the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

他曾经常听他祖父谈论他舅舅,说他能从内心深处看出他舅舅是一个临危不惧之人。He had so often heard his grandpa talk about him that he could see in his mind's eye what a dauntless man his uncle was.

和那些为了建设一个更加安全、更加美好的世界,临危不惧继续提供援助的人。And those who continue to give aid, undeterred by the dangers they face -- for the sake of building a safer, better world.

我面对灾难临危不惧,因为我的字典里没有灾难,我也没有字典。I fear nothing in the face of adversity, because there’s no adversity in my dictionary, and what is more, I don’t have a dictionary.

临危不惧,有条不紊,就是出现意外,也能有精力对付,而且越出现越自信。In hour of danger not afraid, orderly, is to appear the accident, also can have the energy deal with, and appear more more self-confident.

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一支常胜之师的特征就是要临危不惧,将颓败和消沉的绪转化为主动的东西。The characteristics of a team who wins often is to have no fear, and to use the frustration and disappointment to turn that into positive things.

处在这样一个特殊的历史时期,心雨欣饰品临危不惧,从容应对,顺利度过了这场金融风暴,也让心雨欣这个品牌变得更加坚强!In such a special period of history, courage and Xinyuxin Jewelry, calmly and smoothly through this financial turmoil, but also for Xinyuxin the brand has become stronger!