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笼里夜莺不唱歌,浪里蛟龙任腾越。Nightingales will nit sing in a cage.

第一个画面显示了一个腾越空中向篮圈飞去的篮球。The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop.

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在结束她的生命,她的珠宝腾越举行3000乌木盒她的“日常的珠宝。Atthe end of her life, her jewellery vault held 3,000 ebony boxes of her"everyday jewels."

同时他也教授给大家其独到的越野技巧并展示了他的爱腾越野战车。He also taught all of its unique cross-country skills and demonstrate his love Teng off-road vehicles.

双杠是两根圆形木制横杠,可做回环、腾越和倒立等动作。The parallel bars are two round wooden bars used for such exercise as swinging, vaulting, and handstands.

纵跳箱分腿腾越是中学体育教学中的难点问题。Longitudinal box horse straddle is a difficulty problem in the teaching of physical education in high school.

悠久的历史造就了内涵丰富、影响深远的腾越文化。The Tengyue culture with its rich implications and profound significance is derived from its time-honored history.

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腾越神马艺术集中了中原及云南本土艺术的精华。Tengyue Supernatural Horse Art epitomizes the essences of the local art of the Central Plains and Yunnan Province in China.

当然了,想玩儿到很酷很专业的腾越、翻转或边缘平衡肯定是不容易的。Of course, it's not easy for those professional motions such as jumping, turnover and maintaining balance at the petty edge.

腾越翡翠城以翡翠开采、翡翠交易、翡翠加工和翡翠鉴赏而出名。Tengyue Emerald City is famous for the exploiting, trading, processing of and determining the authenticity and quality of emeralds.

绝活“上刀杆下火海”是“腾越旅游文化园”中的一个惊心动魄的表演。The feat of "Climbing the Knife Pole and Diving into the Fire Sea" is a thrilling performance in the "Tengyue Tourist Culture Garden".

同时,为进一步发展教学法在体操分腿腾越动作教学中的应用提供新的思路。In the meantime, it provides new train of thoughts to make further development on application of teaching methods to this movement teaching.

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腾越商贸活动的活跃也带来了诸多伴生问题。在中国-东盟自由贸易区建成的今天,这些问题正在以新的方式出现。Today, with the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free-trade Area, the old problems will emerge in some new forms, which require further studies.

向外缓慢划水,这段划水维持游进的速度。而这段划水使你腾越出水,以最快的速度飞过水面。Search out slowly, this part of the stroke keeps you going, this phase is going, this part vault you over the water and at the fastest rate that you are going.

跳马屈腿腾越第二腾空的展体挺身动作,是体育系体操普修课的一个难度动作。A difficult movement in obligatory gymnastic course for PE students is the movement of spreading and straightening the body in the second vault with bent knees in horse vaulting.

通过对晚清云南商路、商帮、商品流通总量的考察,探索云南商业经济发展初始的基本情况和规模,阐明云南从蒙自、思茅、腾越开埠后,其内部的商业市场才渐次初具雏形。The structure of economic geography of Yunnan in late Qing dynasty should be analyzed from the aspects of commercial routes, merchants, the volumes of internal and international trade.

对男子纵跳马屈腿腾越,根据训练规律,安排了具体解决素质、技术和胆量的三大要素的选择性训练。For men's horse-vault lengthwise with bending legs and jumping over, according to the law of training, selective exercises are arranged, in order to solve quality, technology and courage.

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这些龙的姿态各具时代特色,有的曲体盘绕,有的穿云腾越,有的信步前行,有的蓄力待发。The postures of these dragons have different characteristics during various ages. Some dragons curve and wreathe, some curvet through the clouds, some march forward leisurely and some are poised.

1902年,腾越海关设立,腾越口岸在中缅陆路贸易中的地位得以加强,腾越商贸活动呈现蓬勃发展之势。In 1902, the Tengyue Customs was established, which strengthened the commercial role of Tengchong Trading Port in China-Myanmar land business activities, and brought about some business prosperity.