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他们既没有神经细胞也没有神经中枢。They have neither nerve cells nor a nerve centre.

这药要过很长时间才对神经中枢发生作用吗?Does the drug take long to act on the nerve centers?

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易燃易爆,有毒,能使神经中枢麻醉。It is flammable, explosive, toxic and anesthetize nerve centres.

陆家嘴是中国经济的神经中枢,是一个还在不断发展中的地方。China's economic nerve centre, Lujiazui is an ever-evolving scene.

指挥自动化系统是指挥作战的神经中枢。The Command Automation System is the control center of the warfare.

小胶质细胞是中枢神经系统的“警察”,任何神经中枢微小变化都会引起它的变化。Microglia which act as police of CNS will be changed by any small changes of CNS.

财务是一个企业的神经中枢,是各种利益关系的焦点。Finance is the nerve center of an enterprise and the focus of many inter-related benefits.

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提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。It can improve the function of inner organs, sense organ and the nerve center of the human body.

神经把神经中枢与感觉器和效应器联系起来。The nerves establish communication between the nerve centers and the sense organs and effectors.

在18天大规模抗议活动的神经中枢——开罗解放广场,人们兴奋地高喊着“他放弃了!Tahrir Square, the nerve centre of the 18-day revolt, erupted in frenzied chants of "He gave up!"

硬件制造老大惠普公司则想要创建一个“地球神经中枢系统”。Hewlett-Packard, number one in hardware, intends to spin a “Central Nervous System for the Earth”.

这些射线会刺激神经中枢,影响睡眠,导致高血压症。These irradiations may stimulate the nerve center, affects sleep, and cause hypertension sickness.

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这些发现显示中枢神经系统可能在神经中枢调节的晕厥中产生作用。These findings suggest that the central nervous system may have a role in neurally mediated syncope.

高级神经中枢参与脾气虚合并胃溃疡疾病过程的调节。Advanced neural center participates in the regulation during spleen-deficiency combined with gastric ulcer.

因为原因不明的高音区神经中枢坏死,我缺少了听觉神经。这证实我需要戴助听器。It's a sensoria-neural3 hearing loss, with no known origin, in which the nerve endings for high-pitched sounds are dead.

其他“无私”的神经细胞在迷宫穿行中变得平静,也许为了不打扰重要的神经中枢的信号。Other " disinterested " neurons became quiet during the maze run, perhaps so as not to bother the critical neural signals.

这种方法是以尼龙线围绕鱼的整个神经中枢,令鱼不会因为紧张而产生毒素。A nylon thread is circulated through all of their nerve centres to prevent them from experiencing stress and producing toxins.

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甲基苯丙胺和摇头丸对中枢兴奋药的药理作用,破坏人的神经中枢。Methamphetamine and ecstasy on the pharmacological effects of the case of central stimulant drugs destroying people's nerve center.

二选一的是,在成体神经中枢系统中,内源的原始细胞的扩增和补充能有效且广泛地治疗细胞损失。Alternatively, expansion and recruitment of endogenous progenitors may be effective in treating widespread cell loss in the adult CNS.

精油浓郁的香味可以直接传达到大脑的神经中枢,并在那里产生一系列的反应。Captured in essential oils, the fragrances pass directly to the nerve centers of our brain, where they produce a wide range of responses.