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他有诵读障碍。He`s dyslexic.

这样的孩子是诵读困难者。This child is Dyslexic.

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其他患有诵读障碍症的著名人士包括Other notable dyslexic figures

他有诵读困难症,还是一名大学退学生。He is dyslexic and a college dropout.

意思就是用拉丁文诵读圣经。This just means divine reading in Latin.

你在哪里学习的这样诵读?Where did you learn to recite like that?

书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。The clerk was gabbing over the indictment.

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诵读困难是一种“无法预知”的学习障碍。Dyslexia is an "unexpected" learning disorder.

诵读困难症远比人们想象的要普遍得多。Dyslexia is far more common than people believe.

最常见的学习障碍是诵读困难。The most common learning disability is dyslexia.

尼加斯让贾法尔诵读一段古兰经文。Negus asked Jafar to read him a passage of the Quran.

患有诵读困难症的孩子经常会认为他们没有能力去学习。Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn.

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我们上个星期已经讨论了说话障碍,即诵读障碍。We talked last week about a reading disorder, dyslexia.

顾诵读遗嘱者多,遵循遗嘱者少。But the Testament is more often chanted than carried out.

下面列出了一些诵读困难症较普遍的征兆。Here is a list of a few common warning signs of dyslexia.

诵读困难者无法自己对这一信息进行加工。The dyslexic learner cannot process this information alone.

一日之计在于晨,早晨是诵读的最佳时间。Of day is morning, the morning is the best time for reading.

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当我长大后,由于诵读障碍,我真的很艰难。When I grew up, it was really hard for me because of my dyslexia.

有的诵读困难者可能只表现出其中的一种症状。Some children with dyslexia might only have one of these symptoms.

诵读古诗文是学生学习语文的一条重要途径。It is one of the effective means for students to read ancient poems.