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为什么我如此脆弱?Why am I so weak?

我是个感情脆弱的失败者。I'm a sentimental failure.

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我这么做是因为女人很脆弱。I do this because women are weak.

常住此脆弱瓦瓶。Indwells this fragile jar of clay.

别让我跟着脆弱。Don't let me come after flimsiness.

人心,异常脆弱,易碎品。Heart, very frail, fragile products.

不想装做脆弱也不想爱的懦弱。I never ask for more than your love.

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生命像瓷碗一样地脆弱。Life is as fragile as the porcelain.

心理上他们更脆弱。Psychologically they’re more fragile.

人生的短暂和脆弱。That human frailty you blather about.

于是那只海贝,脆弱而空洞。And then the seashell, fragile, empty.

但是其实这一切是因为他们缺少父爱,他们的心理特别脆弱。However, they are mentally vulnerable.

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一只老鸫鸟,脆弱,削瘦,个小。An aged thrush, frail, gaunt and small.

非常健康的身体,但是在某种方式上显得又非常脆弱。Very buff, but also vulnerable somehow.

自然主义与脆弱的环境Naturalism and the Perishable Environment

这会使足弓变平且脆弱。This flattens the arch and makes it drop.

但这只是一个暂时的脆弱的禁令。Yet it is a temporary, and voluntary ban.

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音像遗产从本质上说是脆弱易损的。Audiovisual heritage is by nature fragile.

滚开吧,脆弱的精灵,现在我说了算!Begone, trifling elf! I am in control now!

有时候、再坚强也是一种脆弱。Sometimes, stouter also is a kind of weak.