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万圣节前夜也成为好莱坞和沃尔玛的兵家必争之地。Hallows Eve has been possessed by Hollywood and Walmart.

此处人口聚集,是商家必争之地。This is populous area, and a crucial market for business.

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焦山扼守着长江的咽喉,自古是兵家必争之地。Mte guardian of the Yangtze River by the throat, has always been contested.

在线业务中并非只有搜索领域被中国大型国有企业当作必争之地。Search is not the only online sector targeted by China’s state business empire.

南澳历来是海防重镇,兵家必争之地。South Australia has always been a city of Haiphong, the military vital importance.

第五大道成为世界精品的必争之地。Soon, other retailers moved in, and Fifth Avenue rocked to international celebrity status.

虽然在昏黄色白色钻石是不可取,激烈奔放黄色必争之地。Although faint yellow in white diamonds is not desirable, fancy intense yellow is sought after.

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在克隆人战争末期的外环围攻战中,费卢西亚是一处重要的必争之地。Near the end of the Clone Wars, Felucia was one of the key contested worlds during the Outer Rim Sieges.

墨西哥的港口与边境口岸一直是大毒枭间的必争之地。Mexico's ports and border-crossings have always been in dispute among the big players in the drugs business.

张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。Because of northwest of Beijing and in zhangjiakou, Inner Mongolia, the traffic is very dangerous, always terrain which.

目前为止,最坏的消息来自于科索沃民主党的必争之地德里尼卡,当地一名监察员说选举欺诈达到了“工业化”的程度。By far the worst cases came in the PDK's heartland of Drenica, where one observer denounced "industrial-scale" cheating.

地中海最近成为各家展示肌肉的必争之地。The Mediterranean has recently become a hotspot of military muscle flexing as global powers seemingly vie for influence.

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很多有眼光、有抱负的国际、国内大型房产商都会选择上海作为它们进行战略性发展的兵家必争之地。Many Real Estate Agents with excellent insight and great inspiration would like to take Shanghai as a critical strategic point.

而随著计算机技术的快速发展,汽车系统已成为计算机软硬件的必争之地。With the rapid development of computer technology, automotive systems computer hardware and software has become the battleground.

由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。For the advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great military importance as a natural defence for Chengdu.

对活动在乍得北部与利比亚接壤的动荡区域的反政府武装来说,这里已经成为他们的兵家必争之地。Located in the Tibesti mountain range, Bardai has been a key area for rebel fighters near Chad's volatile northern border with Libya.

由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。Due to its advantageous geographic location, it had always been a town of great military importance and formed a natural defense for Chengdu.

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精装房市场已经成为建材商,尤其是品牌建材商们的必争之地。The hardbound room market already became the building materials business, particularly brand building materials business land that must fight.

这个问题在中国比在国外更严重,导致人才市场变成了兵家必争之地。This is a far bigger issue for management in China than it is in overseas markets, making HR a competitive battlefield of critical importance.

巴基斯坦塔利班掌控的部落地带是无法无天之地,基地组织和阿富汗塔利班可将其用作庇护所,所以这块区域对双方来说都是必争之地。The Pakistani Taliban’s hold on the lawless tribal belt is crucial for both al-Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban, which use the area as a sanctuary.