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他的书有两个主人公。His books have two heroes.

他扮演小说中放荡的主人公。He plays the novel's rakish hero.

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故事的主人公是齐桓公管仲。Hero of the story is the Duke Guan.

花了几个星期的时间,男主人公出炉了。The male lead was in for a few weeks.

主人公们经历了争吵、流血、低声下气。The characters brawl, bleed and grovel.

主人公Dauren,21岁,是名学生。Dauren is 21 years old. He is a student.

这部书的主人公大长今就是其中之一。This book hero of the royal is one of them.

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他同情小说中的女主人公。He identifies with the heroine of the novel.

寓言中的主人公通常是动物。The heroes in allegories are usually animals.

本片主人公丹拿是一个颇不得志的演员。The film hero is a rather Tanner blossom actor.

电影的主人公是一个可爱的小女孩。Host's Mr. of movie is a little girl of amiability.

故事从女主人公的死继续向下展开。The story follows on from the death of the heroine.

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这个故事的主人公翁是每一个人。而那棵树,就是自己的父母。This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent.

小说把主人公描写成一个悲观的机会主义者。The story depicts the hero as a cynical opportunist.

现在主人公改成了一名美国妇女。The title now reverts to a woman in the United States.

我们的主人公庄纳顿四处寻找黑手套。Our hero, Jonathan, goes out in search of black gloves.

她是写萨卡贾韦亚,一个真实生活的女主人公。And she is writing about Sacajawea, a true-life heroine.

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第四章分析了主人公身体的成长。Chapter Four discusses the protagonist's physical growth.

第一部分论述“彼得鲁舍夫斯卡娅笔下女主人公的生存主题”。Part one, states the subject of women's living condition.

女主人公长得很高,身材苗条,皮肤洁白。The heroine was a tall, slim blonde with lily-white skin.