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此非土聚乃是殊妙大宝塔耳。It is a wonderful great Stupa.

天宁宝塔于2004年建成。Tianning pagoda was built in 2004.

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我是住在宝塔旅馆的沈先生。This is Mr.Shen at the Tower Hotel.

开发了一种宝塔罩型塔板。Baota cover tray has been developed.

韩佳你看。就是这座华严宝塔。Look, Han Jia. It's the Huayan Pagoda.

六面体结构,形似宝塔,似有塔灯之感。Hexahedral structure makes it looks like a pagoda.

一个如来,或者阿罗汉-佛,是值得建立宝塔的。Tathâgata, or Arahat-Buddha, is worthy of a pagoda.

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从宝塔过去,是一片黄熟的玉米地。Away from the pagoda stretch fields of ripening corn.

幸福常是加利略著名的比萨宝塔!Galileo is often well-being of the famous pizza pagoda!

在寺庙的中心,矗立着按五点梅花式排列的宝塔。At the centre of the temple stands a quincunx of towers.

这个舍利塔不同于以往我们所见过宝塔的样子。A dagoba differs from the more well-known pagoda in shape.

山上有一座大约十丈高的宝塔。On the mountain there is a pagoda about a hundred feet high.

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庙宇最让人惊叹的地方是一座巍峨的宝塔。The temple's most breathtaking feature is a towering pagoda.

然后他向上看,看到了宝塔顶端的女孩。Then he looked up and saw the girl at the top of the pagoda.

你自己就有座灵山宝塔。何必外求?You have your own treasure house. Why do you search outside?

从这幅前期草稿的背景中可以看到他的宝塔。His tower can be seen in the background of this early sketch.

梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

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排在第三位的是蒲甘寺庙和宝塔。Sitting comfortably at number three is Bagan Temple and Pagodas.

巍巍宝塔屹立在山巅。The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain.

湖中有一座小型的五层宝塔。There is a miniature five-story pagoda at the mid-lake pavilion.