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萼片并非具芒的在先端,宿存。Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent.

先端锐尖的叶,短渐尖,或钝。Leaf apex acute, shortly acuminate, or obtuse.

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叶片超过3厘米宽,先端渐尖。Leaf blade more than 3 cm wide, apex acuminate.

加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless.

花被圆筒形,先端四齿裂,花瓣状。Perianth cylinder form, 4 tine crack tip, petaline shape.

倒披针形的叶片,在20厘米,先端钝的或圆形。Leaf blade oblanceolate, to 20 cm, apex obtuse or rounded.

种子多数,卵球形,3-4毫米,表面具斑点,先端锐尖。Seeds numerous, ovoid, 3-4 mm, surface maculate, apex acute.

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花梗果时长约13厘米,仅于先端硫被刚毛。Pedicel ca. 13 cm at fruiting, only apically sparsely setose.

子房下位,瓶形,先端具一膜质的3裂的冠。Ovary inferior, urceolate, apex with a membranous 3-lobed crown.

花瓣白色,近卵形,很小,先端渐尖,很少2裂。Petals white, obovate, very small, apex acuminate, rarely 2-fid.

花萼裂片边缘具小齿或有锯齿,至少一旦近先端。Calyx segment margin denticulate or serrate, at least once near apex.

在节处和茎的先端生根的纤细匍匐茎。A slender stolon or prostrate stem rooting at the nodes or at the tip.

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他患有先端肥大症,这是由脑下垂体的肿瘤引起的。He had acromegaly, a disease caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland.

忽然之间,他觉得有这种可能,他可能真的患有先端肥大症。Suddenly, she could see the possibilities. Maybe he did have acromegaly.

胎毛毛干先端鳞片类型都为扁平型。The scale pattern of the tip of the lanugo hair shaft is in flat-shaped.

唇瓣白色的具紫色的线或淡黄白色的具紫色的或红色先端。Labellum white with purple lines or yellowish white with purple or red apex.

在其它领域也取得了许多先端性,开拓性的成果。In other disciplines our "field work" techniques yield many trailblazing results.

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唇瓣白色,白色的具紫色的线,或淡黄白色的具紫色的或红色先端。Labellum white, white with purple lines, or yellowish white with purple or red apex.

先端肥大症会造成鼻子和嘴周围软组织肿大。Acromegaly causes swelling of the soft tissues — in this case around the nose and mouth.

花瓣5,粉红色或白色的,倒心形,瓣爪,合生和具髯毛在基部,先端流苏状。Petals 5, pink or white, obcordate, clawed, connate and bearded at base, apex fimbriate.