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摆脱癌症五年纪念。Five years cancer-free.

想要摆脱手机合同束缚吗?Cellphone Contract Buster.

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很多人摆脱了羞怯。Many outgrow their shyness.

那么摆脱困境的计划是什么呢?So what is the bailout plan?

如何摆脱悲伤?Running away from unhappiness?

为了摆脱它的束缚。To cast off its constrictions.

这家公司摆脱了债务。The company is now out of debt.

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幸亏有袁博士,使很多人摆脱了饥饿。Dr Yuan, many people rid hunger.

怎样才能摆脱我们的汽车呢?How could we get rid of our car?

我们要如何摆脱这种担心呢So what's going to save us here?

我称之为摆脱应该。I call this shedding the shoulds.

您必须摆脱心中的恐惧。You need to rid yourself of fear.

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对摆脱电视你有什么小贴士吗?Do you have any tips to remove TV?

他已摆脱了一切个人的牵累。He had put off all personal cares.

离岸不代表摆脱限制。Offshore does not mean off-limits.

囚犯摆脱了他的追赶者。The prisoner slipped his pursuers.

他摆脱不了精神负担。He wasn't rid of the mental burden.

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寞是永远摆脱不了的。I will never get rid of loneliness.

“我已经下定决心了,”林肯回答说,“必须这么做,我要推动这份宣言的落实,要摆脱困境别无他途。It must be done. I am driven to it.

你无法逻辑的分析出摆脱它的方法。You can’t logic your way out of it.