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我对这个消息半信半疑。I dubitate the information.

而一些人类专家却对此半信半疑。Some human experts are dubious.

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怀王听了,半信半疑。These words aroused the king's suspicions.

以前我不过半信半疑,现在我可完全相信了。I have suspected it some time, but I am now convinced.

欧,就是昨天那件事,我刚才还半信半疑那是个梦。Oh, that thing yesterday. I been half thinking it was.

这广告吹得太玄,使人不免半信半疑。The advertisement sounds too boastful to be convincing.

魔主拿住了礼物,又半信半疑地看了看它。The demon master caught the gift and studied it dubiously.

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出于好奇,我半信半疑地报名参加了为期五天的退修会。Intrigued and a bit skeptical, I signed up for a 5-day retreat.

她半信半疑地对自己说,声音低得差不多只有他自己才听得见。She said dubiously to herself, her voice too low for anyone else to hear.

他很快地走出去,撇下侍者头儿半信半疑地瞪着这张薄薄的蓝纸。He walked out fast, leaving the head waiter staring dubiously at the flimsy blue paper.

苏楚侨半信半疑,也不愿接受兰如剑的好意。Su Chu overseas with a grain of salt, also dont want to accept such as the sword of kindness.

不过,藤井先生或他的G7同行是否已经准备好坐下来磋商,人们对此半信半疑。But there was only a half-hearted belief that Mr Fujii or his G7 counterparts were ready to strike.

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起初半信半疑的宫本看到美里展示了不可思议的能力后,终于相信了她的话。At first the palace this see beauty dubious show the incredible ability, finally believed her words.

然而,正如作者暗示的,这种进化可能发生在单个种群里面,对此他半信半疑。However, he's not fully convinced that this can happen within a single population, as the authors suggest.

我曾听到大家众口一词地夸赞莫妮卡演得好,但我几乎总是对自己的所闻半信半疑。I heard all the talk about how good she was, but I almost always take everything I hear with a grain of salt.

开始有的朋友半信半疑,还有的以为是骗子,开黑店。The friend beginning to have halfed believe, half doubt, some ones had thought that a cheat, opened an inn by brigands.

妇人半信半疑的脱去了上衣,医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。The woman reluctantly took off, the doctor with his hand in the woman's breasts, and touch, feel, right and left rub rubbing.

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两江道的一名干部说,一些人听到这个消息后连声欢呼“万岁”,而一些人至今仍半信半疑。A cadre of two river channels, said some people heard the news repeatedly cheered, "Viva", and some people are still skeptical.

我知道,许多美国人对这一历史性时刻依然半信半疑,但我们现在确实已经结束了持续近10年的战争。I know this historic moment comes at a time of great uncertainty for many Americans. We have now been through nearly a decade of war.

半信半疑的埃默森不想踏上征程,直到接到白金汉宫的请求,他开始重新考虑这项提议。The skeptical Emerson wants no part of the scheme until a request from the War Office and Buckingham Palace persuades him to reconsider.