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不要感情用事。Don’t react emotionally.

在投资上别感情用事。Never invest on sentiment.

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在这件事上他感情用事。He slopped over this matter.

这并非感情用事。This is not sentimental duty.

你们想要一个感情用事的飞行员么?Would you want an emotional pilot?

感情用事使这次讨论混乱不堪。Emotionalism muddied the discussion.

做生意不能婆婆妈妈的感情用事。There's no room for sentiment in business.

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做生意不能婆婆妈妈的感情用事。There's no place for sentiment in Business.

他们说林肯总统从不感情用事。They say President Lincoln never slopped over.

易感情用事得理不饶人。Yi sentiment, Richard does not forgive people.

我们必须控制住感情,而不能感情用事。We must rein our emotions and not be swayed by them.

这是感情用事所做出的决定,希望你们能原谅我们。It was an emotional issue. I hope you can forgive us.

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并非所有的女子都感情用事,正如并非世上的男子都能理性行事一样。Not all women are emotional and not all men are logical.

不要感情用事,以免影响你赚钱。Don't let your emotions interfere with moneymaking deals.

多按章办事、少感情用事。Act in accordance with the regulations, instead of feelings.

理智的环境保护论对地球不感情用事。A sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth.

虽然在私人聚会中多给小费是可以的,但是在商业会餐中,多给小费被视作是感情用事。Over tipping is an emotional decision to a business transaction.

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感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。Sentiment and eloquence serve only to impede the pursuit of truth.

感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。Sentimentality and wind baggery can only inhibit pursing of truth.

多愁善感和感情用事妨碍了感觉的敏锐。Emotionalism and sentimentality prevent the sensitivity of feeling.