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她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。She find it a comedown to listen to her former subordinate.

失业的威胁驱使工人们只好对工资降格以求。The threat of employment persuades workers to moderate their pay demands.

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韩非就是这样改造降格,将老子的“道”纳入了自己的政治哲学.并为其服务。In this way, Han Fei made Laozi's Natural Laws serve his political philosophy.

同时,斯密又贬低人的理性,把它降格为人的情感的助手。Meanwhile, Adam Smith makes the reason become the assistant of the sentiments.

如今已到了扬弃那种家长制的降格相求政策的时刻。The time has come to turn away from the condescending policies of paternalism.

降格以求,老太太总该答应了吧,结果老太太不开口。Trade down, the old lady always promised it, the results do not open the old lady.

强制的种族隔离把人降格,消灭了他们对生活的期望。Mandatory racial separatism demeans human beings and forecloses on their life prospects.

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他们迫切想要得到工作,因此在申请时他们往往会贬低自己的资历和经验,降格以求。Desperate for any job, they play down qualifications and experience in their applications.

日本气象厅将菲特降格为强烈热带风暴,其强度在60至65节间徘徊。The JMA downgraded FITOW into a severe tropical storm with strength lingering between 60 to 65 knots.

据我得到的消息,会谈似乎已中止,或是降格到了一种非常低级的层次。From what my sources tell me, the talks seem stalled or at the very least to have sunk to a very low level.

她的一些老朋友开始背弃疏远她,认为草间弥生为求成名已经把自己降格到非艺术家行列。Some of her friends began to break from her, think kusama is hoping his name has been put into the second-best.

两者都这些指示器能为经济提供环境降格的冲击有价值警告。Both of these indicators can provide valuable warnings of the impacts of environmental degradation on an economy.

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与之相适应,人被抽象为原子式孤立个人,世界降格为抽象物质世界。Accordingly, human beings become lonely individuals like atoms and the world is degraded into abstract material world.

力拓否认这几个人有不当行为,他们目前正在等待审判,但所受的指控已经降格为行贿和窃取商业机密。Rio Tinto denies wrongdoing by the men, who await trial on reduced charges of bribery and theft of commercial secrets.

这是要把艺术降格为普通商品,还是试图扩展艺术的疆域?Does Pop Art seek to reduce art to a common product, or, does Pop Art seek to expand the boundaries of what defines art?

有关这个形容词的奇怪之处不仅在于它褒义的降格,还在于它奇怪的发音。The weird thing about the adjective is not only the present degradation of its elevated meaning but also its pronunciation.

一旦此项规定正式实施,中国将不再有因特网,中国的网络降格成为了局域网。Once the regulation is fully implemented, China will no longer have an Internet. In effect, it will downgrade to an intranet.

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如今,一份解雇通知书、一个不利的诊断结果或者配偶的去世都可能在几个月之内将一个家庭从稳定的中产阶层家庭降格成为一个新贫困家庭。Nowa pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

我不希望哥本哈根会议降格成为争吵大会,而仅仅为了使排放比2005年少10、15或者20个百分点。I do not want Copenhagen to degenerate into a shouting match over whether emissions are to drop 10, 15 or 20 percent below even 2005 emissions.

同时,这种夸张变形、降格或贬低化具有正反同体性,包含着否定与肯定、讽刺与赞美的双重性含义。Such exaggeration and depreciation contain positive and negative identity which contains positive and negative meanings, satire and compliments.